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Alexander Mostovoy

Alexander Mostovoy

Alexander Mostovoy is a clinician, writer, researcher, and public speaker, and is recognized as a leading authority on breast health and cancer prevention. He has lectured extensively across Canada, the United States, South America, and Europe, and has educated and trained physicians in breast cancer prevention and the use of medical thermography. He is the best selling author of the book Breast Cancer Is A Preventable Disease and a co-creator of the Breast Cancer Prevention Global Virtual Conference.

Did you know that your oral health offers clues about your overall health — or that problems in your mouth can affect the rest of your body? 


Protect yourself by learning more about the connection between your oral health and overall health. In this video interview with Dr. Ellie Campbell, we have discussed the relationship between oral health and overall health.


Like other areas of the body, your mouth teems with bacteria. However, unlike the other areas of your body, your mouth is the entry point to your digestive and respiratory tracts, and some of these bacteria can cause disease.


Your oral health is more important than you might realize. Learn how the health of your mouth, teeth and gums can affect your general health.


To watch this video, please click Here

Hits: 2496

If you sit in front of a computer for work, use a mobile phone, sleep next to an electrical appliance like an alarm clock, a lamp, or your phone and have wireless router in your home and at your office. You are exposed to EMF.

Electromagnetic frequency (EMF), or electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emitted from these appliances can disrupt normal cell function and cause a variety of symptoms. 

This means exposure to electricity loads our bodies with a negative electrical charge known as Positive Ions, which can have a negative impact on your health.

Please watch this informative video By Dr. Magda Havas discussing EMF radiation and the upcoming 5G network. 

Click here to watch this Video

Hits: 3030

It's all about hormones!

There is so much controversy about hormone therapy and so many conflicting opinions. Issues about safety, natural or synthetic, when to use them, who should use them, what are the benefits, why would you want to use them in the first place?

We decided to go to the expert on this topic by interviewing Carol Petersen – Director at Women's International Pharmacy. All you wanted to know about hormones but did not get a chance to ask, now explained in this interview.

Please watch and share, Click Here

Hits: 2835

Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) has a classification as stage zero (0) cancer. As much as 25% of all positive mammography findings are DCIS. 

In the majority of cases, DCIS is not a life-threatening condition and yet when the big "C" diagnosis is pronounced, it puts the fear of death into women's hearts. 

Are we over-diagnosing and over-treating people that have no life-threatening condition? Learn about DCIS by watching this insightful video interview with Mark Nathaniel Mead, MSc.

Mark has an extensive background as a holistic nutritionist, medical writer, and integrative cancer coach. 


Hits: 2479

Dr. Kane has been a clinical thermologist for close to 30 years now. He has amassed vast knowledge and experience in breast thermography.

Don’t miss this insightful interview about breast thermography and its role in breast health, cancer detection and prevention.

Click here to watch

Hits: 1790

I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Christine Horner recently about Breast Health and Cancer Prevention. She has been a women's health advocate for many years and the best selling author of several excellent books on the subject.

Christine Horner, MD, is a board-certified and nationally recognized surgeon, author, expert in natural medicine, and a relentless champion for women's health. She spearheaded legislation in the 1990s that made it mandatory that insurance companies pay for breast reconstruction following mastectomy.


Please watch our interview by clicking HERE.


Hits: 1381


Food is medicine. A proper understanding of nutrition and supplementation is essential to good health and disease prevention. 


Inflammation, insulin resistance and obesity play a significant role in promoting the onset of cancer and other degenerative diseases. 


Learn which foods, along with the essential phytonutrients and supplements, are required to keep your immune system operating at the most optimal level.


In the 3rd and final Part of a 3 Part Webinar Series, Fears vs. Facts About Breast Cancer we explore the role of nutrition in the prevention of breast cancer.


Watch the third of our 3-Part Webinar Series that will:

  • Dispel any fears, 
  • Empower you with facts, and
  • Provide you with relevant ways to improve your health.


We hope you learn and enjoy! Click here to watch



Hits: 2769

Hormones are chemical messengers made by the body that control how cells and organs do their work. About 2 out of 3 breast cancers are hormone receptor-positive.


In our 2nd Part of a 3 Part Webinar Series of Fears vs. Facts about Breast Cancer, we explore the role of hormones and how they interact and the role they play in promotion or prevention of breast cancer.


Watch the 2nd of our 3-Part Webinar Series that will:


  • Dispel any fears, 
  • Empower you with facts, and
  • Provide you with important ways to improve your health.


We hope you learn and enjoy! Click here to watch 




Hits: 2773
Most information about Breast Cancer is fear-driven. This often leads to confusion about how to properly manage Breast Health and does not empower women to Prevent Breast Cancer.
Watch the first of our 3-Part Webinar Series that will:
  • Dispel any fears, 
  • Empower you with facts, and
  • Provide you with important ways to improve your health.
We hope you learn and enjoy! Click here to watch
Please forward to 1 minute and 30 seconds
Hits: 3568

Why Is Your Thyroid Health Important?

Women are eight times more likely to develop thyroid disease than men. Most thyroid dysfunctions start at the peri-menopausal or menopausal stage, precisely when the entire endocrine system undergoes a profound change.  In many instances, this is when breast cancer begins to develop as well.  Low functioning thyroid (hypothyroidism) usually precedes most breast conditions. Identifying and correcting this problem can lead to better health and prevention of many health problems, including breast cancer.


What are the signs?

Under-active thyroid condition may present with one or a combination of the following symptoms:


Fatigue, insomnia, low sex drive, being cold, cold hands and feet, dry skin, weight gain or inability to lose weight, constipation, muscle pains, depression, poor memory function (brain fog), water retention, puffy eyes, infertility, low body temperature, goitre.


This list of symptoms is not complete but are commonly seen in clinical practice.


Why Are Thyroid Conditions Often Missed or Untreated?

Women often go to their family doctors complaining about some of the symptoms listed above. Unfortunately,  no treatment is provided because their blood results come back ‘normal.’ It could be very frustrating when due to the test results being in the ‘normal’ range, your symptoms or conditions may not get the treatment they require. Of course, there could be many other factors causing or contributing, for instance, to weight gain, however excluding thyroid dysfunction simply because the test result is normal often could be very detrimental to a patient’s health. In some cases, the current methods of thyroid testing are simply inadequate. Often in medicine today we’re over-reliant on test results while discounting or ignoring patients’ signs and symptoms if they do not fit into a particular diagnostic model.


What Should You Be Looking For?

Proper testing of thyroid should include TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), Free T-3, Free T-4 and Thyroid Antibodies. Also, it is imperative to check the way your adrenals are functioning by checking Cortisol and DHEA levels. If your adrenals are under stress, that can affect your thyroid function. 


High estrogen levels might also suppress your thyroid function, so please check all of your hormones. For the endocrine system to function optimally, all of its components must work efficiently. Nutrients like Iodine and Selenium are co-factors in thyroid metabolism. A deficiency of these and other essential nutrients may be responsible for specific symptoms, as they all play a role in optimizing the health of the thyroid gland. Lacking these essential nutrients perpetuates a thyroid problem at the cellular level, although TSH lab values may seem normal. 


How Can You Test Your Thyroid?

Using thermography imaging is an efficient way of assessing the state of your thyroid health. We often see low body temperature or cool area over thyroid that usually correlates to a patient’s symptoms. This thermographic information often initiates a more thorough investigation to diagnose and treat the hypothyroid condition properly. 


Thyroid function is central to all of the metabolic functions of the body, and it profoundly affects our overall health. By correcting this problem as early as your first symptoms develop or sooner, you will not only be proactive in keeping a healthy thyroid; you will also decrease your risk of developing breast cancer and improve your overall health.


Hits: 4379

A Hidden Epidemic and Breast Cancer

Posted by on in Breast Health

Women who have gum disease are 11 times more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer. In North America, 75% of adults suffer from various forms of gum disease or other oral pathologies. In other words, 75% of adult population is at increased risk of cancer because of poor oral health. Research published by Dr. Robert Jones found that there is a very high co-relationship between root canal treated teeth and breast cancer. In a five-year study of 300 breast cancer cases, he found that 93% of the women with breast cancer had root canals, 7% had other oral pathology. Further, breast tumours (in most cases), occurred on the same side of the body as the root canal.


One factor connecting oral pathology to breast disease is something called Chronic Apical Periodontitis or CAP.  CAP is a group of inflammatory conditions caused by microorganisms (mainly bacteria) infecting the necrotic root canal system. CAP often develops asymptomatically, and the prognosis is typically less favourable when it is detected late.  


In addition to higher incidents of cancer, root canal treatments also contribute to a higher risk of heart attacks. The DNA of oral pathogens typical of the root canal and gum-infected flora is consistently found in coronary atherosclerotic plaque.


Thus chronically infected teeth, both with and without root canal treatments, due to its extraordinary ability to deplete antioxidants and promote chronic inflammation in affected tissues and organs, can be considered the single most important cause of heart attacks and single most important cause of head, neck and breast cancer.


I have been researching and lecturing on this subject for well over a decade, and it is astounding that most health professionals remain yet in the dark about this while the evidence is overwhelming. 


So, what can you do and how can you find out if you have oral inflammation even if you have no symptoms? 


First, you should understand that while regular dental checkups may be necessary, the conventional dental methods may not be useful in identifying the problem discussed here. Regular dental x-rays will not detect early signs of CAP or other oral pathologies and infections. 


However, with the use of thermography, we have been able to locate these inflammatory conditions at their earliest stage and alert many patients to help them rectify problems before they lead to more severe disease.  Thermography should be incorporated into regular dental/oral examination to help identify conditions that lead to chronic inflammation.  


I want to encourage all of you who are reading this to take a very proactive attitude about your oral health. It may be one of the most significant factors in breast cancer prevention.




Hits: 4456

Progesterone and Cancer Prevention

Posted by on in Breast Health


Many articles and papers have been written that implicate estrogen in connection to breast cancer. While this is a well accepted factor now in treatment of breast cancer, less written about is the importance of progesterone for the prevention of breast cancer.  


Progesterone reduces estrogen’s stimulating of breast cancer growth with several well known biochemical events that lead to tumour growth: 


Progesterone increases the level of enzymes that convert cancer prolific estrogen (estradiol) to inactive cancer protective estrogen (estrone sulfate).

Progesterone inhibits estrogen activity in the breast tissue and decreases the probability of clotting. 

Progesterone prevents angiogenesis known to be a major contributor in early stage of breast cancer tumour formation and growth.

Progesterone prevents vasodilatation caused by excess estrogen and thus acts as an anti metastatic agent

Progesterone activates natural killer cells that function as in immune defence mechanism destroying cancer cells.

Progesterone has a calming effect, helps with perceived  stress, thus lowering cortisol production by the adrenals

Here’s the critical point about progesterone for breast cancer prevention: synthetic progestins promote breast cancer and heart disease, while natural progesterone beneficially lowers breast cancer and heart disease risk. Progestin (synthetic) is NOT Progesterone (natural). Unfortunately many physicians believe progestins to be equivalent to progesterone. This is a mistake.


The enzymes needed to metabolize progesterone are present in the human body, not so with progestin. Further, the biochemical structures of several synthetic progestins have carbon-carbon bonds, which are not present in the hormones that humans have. Thus synthetic progestin has well known detrimental effects on women’s health while progesterone has beneficial effects on breast health and cancer prevention.


Of course, your breast cancer prevention strategy has to include other contributing factors, such as healthy diet, physical activity, avoidance of pollutants, stress reduction and possibly natural progesterone therapy. Investigate and see if this will work for you.


Hits: 6302


A new study came out recently challenging the value of breast screening with mammography. Not surprisingly it points to a serious problem of over diagnosis related to mammography screening. In other words, women are being diagnosed and aggressively treated for breast cancer even though what was found in the mammogram was never going to be a life threatening health problem. 


However, even more stunning, this study concludes that “Breast cancer screening was not associated with a reduction in the incidence of advanced cancer.”  Wow, think about this for a moment and consider what this means. It blows the entire paradigm of 'early detection saves lives' completely out of the water.


Please follow the links below to the published study and come to your own conclusions:






It is important to understand the limitations of mammography screening and focus more on prevention. When it comes to prevention, there are many options available to you. Many of the blog postings and articles on this site are related to the subject of breast cancer prevention. I invite you to explore them.


Hits: 3967


Recently giving a talk on breast cancer prevention I was asked what would be the number one most important thing when it comes to breast cancer prevention. I quickly ran through the list of well-known subjects in my mind, just like the ones we’ve been discussing in the past 9 days through this blog series. Suddenly I stopped when I came to realize that we already have been given the greatest power to heal and prevent disease – our mind and the power of thought. 

According to Dr. Hans Selye, a great physician, — “disease is the body’s inability to deal with mental, emotional or physical stress.” In other words, it is not the stress that kills us; it is our reaction to it.

If you’re stressed or have something negative on your mind, the brain will respond differently than when you are relaxed and in harmony with your environment. Amazingly, when you’re in harmony, your body actually produces chemistry that supports your immune system. The chemistry of protection and healing can only occur in this, harmonious, or, parasympathetic mode. 

Dr. Bruce Lipton writes in his fascinating book, Biology of Belief: “How I see the world and my perception controls not just internal biology and genetic behaviour but it controls how I create a world around me. Your mind’s perception of the world changes the biology and chemistry of your own body, which changes cells in your body.” 

I invite you to maintain a positive conversation with your-self, despite all your past failures and disappointments. This is, of course, very difficult. Try to accept criticism by someone you respect and use it as a base for further self-development and self-discovery. But also try to keep a conscious awareness of the things that make you wonderful and loveable. Don’t hesitate to give your-self encouragement, even if it isn’t coming from others. Remind yourself of your previous accomplishments. Tell yourself you can do it. Decide to be your own biggest supporter, even when you make mistakes or fail. This will definitely improve your sense of self-approval and acceptance over time. 

Remember that by changing your perception, you can actually change your life. To quote Gandhi who said that, “As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - This is a myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves.” 

Take charge of your health today, be proactive and help others to prevent breast cancer NOW!


Hits: 3882


When was the last time your doctor asked you about your dental health?


Despite multiple research studies that link root-canal treated teeth to cancer and other chronic disease, the majority of people, and sadly even health care professionals, do not pay enough attention to dental health. 


When it comes to the root canal procedure, the current convention is to save a tooth at any cost. It does not, however, consider the logic of leaving a dead, filled tooth inside the body. If this scenario involved any other part of the body, say your hand, it would not even be debated. But when it comes to teeth, the same logic that prevails in other body parts usually disappears.


Chronic inflammation has been accepted as “the silent killer” that leads to chronic disease, heart disease, and cancer. Root canals are inherently susceptible to infection and inflammation. As a matter of fact, this is what initially led to the problem; infection. People living with a chronic source of infection and inflammation will eventually find that their immunity is affected. In some cases, this chronic inflammation and infection will actually promote the growth of malignancy. The natural defense mechanism to fight malignancy is impaired since the immune system is busy dealing with inflammation that has no chance of resolving on its own. The only way this problem can be resolved is by identifying and removing the cause. The infected area has to be properly dealt with before the body can be restored to health.


Remember that, in the body, the mouth is the largest cavity that is continuously exposed to outside influences and the environment. So, when was the last time your doctor asked you about your dental health? If the answer is “never”, perhaps itʼs time to re-evaluate your health issues and consider this question. Take the initiative and investigate. It can help in restoring your health and prevent breast cancer.


Take charge of your health today, be proactive and help others to prevent breast cancer NOW!



Hits: 3548

Avoid (HRT) Hormone Replacement Therapy. 

HRT increases the risk of Breast Cancer. In 2002, a huge double blind placebo study called “Women's Health Initiative” sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO) was stopped early because it was proven during the study that HRT causes breast cancer. 

Natural Bio-identical hormones on the other hand are safe. They are made from botanical plants such as soy and yams. These plants are pharmaceutically processed to produce natural bio-identical progesterone or estrogen derivatives; they may come in cream or oral forms. 

It is not difficult to determine if one needs some form of hormone balancing – if you feel perfectly well and have no symptoms it is very unlikely that you need to do or change anything. However, a large number of peri-menopausal women suffer from the following symptoms: fatigue, pre-menstrual breast tenderness, fibrocystic breast condition, short menstrual cycle (less than 28 days), anxiety, headaches, sleep disorders, low libido, depression and PMS. Women in menopause may have some of these symptoms in addition to hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and memory loss. If some of these complaints are present in a patient it is important to identify any hormonal deficiencies. 

We can carefully monitor most hormone levels with blood tests, although they are not as reliable as saliva tests, which measure bio-available free-hormone levels, or 24-hour urine collection, which looks at what is excreted through metabolites over a 24 hour period. Once identified, single or multiple hormone deficiencies can be corrected by the use of bio-identical hormones, which have an anti-aging action by the nature of their activity. 

The effect of these hormones is dose specific, however in nature more is not necessarily better – if the hormones are prescribed in too high a dosage, they can cause adverse effects. Many women, hearing of the great effects of progesterone, decide to self medicate.  A word of caution here needs to be made – some progesterone products on the market have very little or no effect. Compounding pharmacies have a reliable and consistent product; however this would require a prescription from your doctor. 

Bio-identical hormone therapy should never be taken orally as it can result in many unwanted side effects. Transdermal (through the skin via a cream) is much safer and more effective because it bypasses your liver and avoids many side effects. I have been very fortunate to learn a lot about hormones from my extraordinary friend Dr. Alvin Pettle - ObGyn. You can learn more about bio-identical hormone therapy from this world renowned expert by visiting his website www.drpettle.com


Take charge of your health today, be proactive and help others to prevent breast cancer NOW!

Hits: 3571

Avoid and limit your exposure to Xeno-Estrogens. 


What are Xeno-Estrogens? The word Xeno is derived from the Greek word – meaning foreign. These are chemicals and industrial pollutants that mimic the effects of estrogen on your body. Your body has many estrogen cell-receptor sites that operate like a lock and key mechanism. When your own estrogen comes in and binds to a receptor it creates an affect on your body by giving a certain signal (a chemical message). When xeno-estrogen, which mimics estrogen, occupies that cell-receptor site, it also creates an affect on your body by giving a signal. However, the signal given by the xeno-estrogen is not the same but, in fact, it is many times more powerful. Thus, the reaction in your body is going to be very different compared to your own estrogen chemical message.  


These xeno-estrogens are a major contributing factor leading to early puberty and many other disorders of the reproductive system.  Of course these foreign estrogens will have a huge deleterious effect on the breast tissue. It is no coincidence that the advent of use of xeno-estrogens in our environment about 70 years ago coincides with the sharp rise in breast cancer incidence. 


For your reference, I’m including a short list of environmental estrogens:


Atrazine is widely used as an herbicide to control broad-leaf weed species that grow in crops such as corn, sugarcane, hay and winter wheat. Atrazine is also applied to Christmas trees, residential lawns, golf courses, and other recreational areas.


BPA (Bisphenol A) is the monomer used to manufacture polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resins used as a lining in most food and beverage cans. 


DDT ( Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) was used in pesticides for agriculture until it was banned in 1972 in the United States. Unfortunately, DDT continues to be used in many parts of the world for agricultural use, insect control and to fight the spread of malaria.


Dioxin, a group of highly toxic chemicals discharged into waterways from pulp and paper mills. Consumption of animal fat is the primary pathway for human exposure.


Endosulfan is an insecticide used on numerous vegetables, fruits, cereal grains and trees. Human exposure occurs through food consumption or ground and surface water contamination.


PBB (Polybrominated biphenyls) are chemicals added to plastics used in computer monitors, televisions, textiles and plastics foams to make them more difficult to burn.  Although manufacturing of PBBs in the United States stopped in 1976, since they do not degrade easily PBBs continue to be found in soil, water and air.


PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls) were manufactured primarily for use as insulating fluids and coolants given their chemical stability, low flammability and electrical insulating properties. PCBs were banned in 1979 but like DDT continue to persist in the environment.


Phthalates is used in flooring, wall coverings and medical device such as intravenous bags and tubing. Phthalates are found in perfumes, lotions, cosmetics, varnishes, lacquers and coatings including timed releases in pharmaceuticals.


Zeranol is currently used as a growth promoter for livestock in the USand Canada. It has since been banned in the EU since 1985, but is still present as a contaminant in food through meat products. 


As you can see, xeno-estrogents are prevalent in our environment as they are present in our water supply, food chain, cosmetics, cooking utensils, cleaning agents, and the list goes on. We no longer live in a pristine environment and thus not only humans but also animals are affected by this rapid change of thousands of dangerous chemicals entering our daily lives. So, protect yourself from these dangerous substances as much as possible. Educate yourself about xeno-estogens and try to avoid them when possible.


Take charge of your health today, be proactive and help others to prevent breast cancer NOW!

Hits: 3850


Many people know that October is touted as “breast cancer awareness month.” However, if we really want to make a significant difference in breast cancer statistics we should be emphasizing breast cancer prevention and not just in October but every month of the year. Here is a simple and effective way to significantly reduce your risk.  And, you do not need to raise money to attain this.


Studies have shown repeatedly that three to four hours per week of regular exercise can decrease your risk of breast cancer by up to 50%. In other words, your lean body mass or your muscle does not generate estrogen like fatty tissue. If you’re physically active already, this is great. However, whether you have a few extra pounds to lose or not, I encourage you to simply start walking on daily basis. You do not need to join a health club or purchase special exercise equipment. Just start with a minimum of 20-30 minutes walk per day. You can do it alone or with a friend, you can do it outside or inside. 


The hardest thing in any journey is to start.  And even more challenging is consistency. But if you are aware of the benefits, you’ll see it is worth doing what it takes to start, and to be consistent. Human bodies are designed for movement and if you want to stay in shape you have to move. Just 30 minutes per day is not really asking for much but the benefit that you’ll gain from this is immeasurable. Add a few more minutes to your daily walk every other week, extend your walks to 40 minutes or more. The great thing about taking yourself for a long walk is that you always come back changed; try it and you’ll see what I mean.


Take charge of your health today, be proactive and help others to prevent breast cancer NOW!

Hits: 3582


This year close to 250,000 women in North America will die from breast cancer. This is not just a mere number; these are our mothers, spouses, sisters and daughters that are afflicted by this disease.  Despite all of the efforts to reduce this tragedy, more and more women and their families are affected by breast cancer today. 


Currently the strategy of screening is not enough to protect women from breast cancer.

We need to refocus our strategy; moving from screening to risk assessment. Simply put - screening can only tell us what already happened (detection). Risk assessment, on the other hand, can tell us what is about to happen (prevention). It is a paradigm shift where prevention beats detection all the time.


Think about it, if you are heading in the wrong direction concerning your breast health wouldn’t you want to know this at the earliest possible time? 

Yes, every woman should know her risk for breast cancer. 


Mammography can be useful as a diagnostic tool when necessary but as a mass screening method it has not been effective. Mammography has been the most controversial test for the past 40 years.  Women have been deceived by the notion that routine mammography screening saves lives. It does not. Numerous long-term studies question the effectiveness of mammography mass screening since cancer is frequently missed or often over-diagnosed. 1. 2. 3. 

Younger women with dense breast tissue along with women with fibrocystic breast condition derive little or no benefit from conventional screening with mammography. Even women over the age of 50 may not benefit from mammography screening since it takes 8 to 9 years or longer for a tumor to grow to a size that is detectable by a mammogram. This is hardly an early detection paradigm that we were led to believe; this is in fact late detection. 


I have been advocating for many years that we need a more personalized approach where women can assess their risk for breast cancer.  Once they are able to determine their risk factors they can develop an action plan on how to improve breast health or even reverse the existing trend. Breast Thermography can play a great role in early detection and risk assessment. Breast thermography is non-invasive, radiation-free and a completely safe method that compliments all other types of breast testing modalities. 


Breast Thermography evaluates how breasts function and can give an early warning signal that may be life saving. Once the risk level is assessed with breast thermography you can develop strategies of lowering these factors before cancer has a chance to develop. You can also monitor your treatment progress with breast thermography and see if you’re on the right path or if you need to make some adjustments to your therapy. When used correctly, breast thermography can be an indispensable tool in breast health monitoring and over-all breast cancer prevention plans. 


Prevention should take precedence over detection. Prevention means not getting cancer in the first place. If we are going to reverse the present trend of the epidemic proportion of breast cancer, we need to come up with a more proactive approach, which needs to become the norm for patient assessment.


Take charge of your health today, be proactive and help others to prevent breast cancer NOW!



1. http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1206809#t=article

2. http://www.bmj.com/content/350/bmj.g7773

3. http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/2015/07/20/does-mammography-save-lives-thats-a-harder-question-than-most-think/)

Hits: 3804


I’ll make a bold statement:  low functioning thyroid gland, or what is known as hypothyroid condition, usually precedes most breast conditions. By correcting this problem as early as your first symptoms develop, you will decrease your risk of developing breast cancer and improve your breast health. 

Women are more likely to develop thyroid disease than men. In fact, women are eight times more likely to suffer from a dysfunctional thyroid during their lifetime than men. Most thyroid dysfunctions start in the peri-menopausal and menopausal stages, when the endocrine system experiences many changes. Countless women will make the same complaint: "I'm gaining weight”; “I have no energy”, “I feel chilled all the time”. 

After seeing  a medical doctor, many women are assured that there is nothing wrong with their thyroid gland, because the blood test results were within a “normal” parameter. How could it be that the symptoms and complaints are irrelevant, while demanding attention, yet the blood results do not support the obvious? Could it be that the current tests are not complete or thorough? 

A common connection often overlooked is that proper thyroid function also depends on proper function of the adrenal glands. Adrenals become physically exhausted after prolonged stress or a prolonged illness. Therefore if adrenals are not functioning well,thyroid issues won’t get resolved either. 

Another contributing problem to an under-active thyroid is estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance decreases the function of the thyroid gland. Since the organs of the endocrine system are interdependent, the hypo-function of one organ will have a cascading effect on the rest of the system. Estrogen and progesterone imbalance, which frequently starts in peri-menopause, is often overlooked as a contributing factor to thyroid dysfunction. 

How can YOU be sure?

You can use different methods to check your thyroid and adrenal function, including blood, saliva and urine tests. Your Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) may be in the ‘normal’ range and because of this you may not be getting proper treatment. Make sure, when  testing, to also check Free T-3,T-4 as well as Thyroid antibodies.  DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) and Cortisol levels are also important indicators of adrenal function. If you have high cortisol output and low DHEA you most likely have other hormonal issues as well. 


Seek the help and work with a healthcare practitioner who can test properly and is able to support you with a holistic approach. It is very important that you are treated as a whole rather than just a part that is dysfunctional.


Take charge of your health today, be proactive and help others to prevent breast cancer NOW!

Hits: 3768