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Glutathione is also known as the Master Detoxifier and the Mother of All Antioxidants and the Chief of the Immune System.


Glutathione is a naturally occurring antioxidant in plants and animals that reduces cellular inflammation.


The role of glutathione has been well researched and described in medical literature for many years now, yet its role and importance is not widely known even among professionals. This master detoxifier also supports mitochondrial function, healthy aging, protection from mercury and other toxic metals, protects from alcohol and environmental pollutants. However, as we age, glutathione levels naturally diminish thus setting the stage for many diseases associated with low levels of glutathione.


Diseases Associated with Glutathione Depletion:


Neurodegenerative: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson, Huntington’s


Pulmonary: Asthma, COPD, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome


Immune: HIV, Autoimmune Diseases


Cardiovascular: Hypertension, MI (myocardial infarction), Cholesterol Oxidation


Age related diseases: Cataracts, Macular Degeneration, Hearing Impairment, Glaucoma


Liver Disease: Fatty Liver Disease


Cystic Fibrosis



Ways Glutathione Supports Your Health:


Aging Process: Higher Glutathione levels associated with higher levels of physical health, fewer illnesses and better cognitive function. 


Glutathione plays a major role in immune function, supports detoxification, energy production and remains crucial in antioxidant activity.


The immune system identifies and attacks germs and other invaders including cancer cells. As long as it has an adequate supply of glutathione.


Master Detoxifier. Our air, food, and water are full of toxic substances. The immune system has to protect us with the help of the liver as the main organ of detoxification. Glutathione helps support liver function thus aiding to prevent toxins from causing cell and organ damage.


Energy Generator. Glutathione provides sustained energy on a molecular level by mopping up unwanted byproducts like free radicals. On the cellular level glutathione aids in the continuous energy production by the mitochondria. The whole body needs glutathione to maintain physical and mental performance.


Mother of All Antioxidants. There is a strong association between disease processes and oxidative stress. A wide variety of antioxidant foods and nutrients are essential to good health and disease prevention. Antioxidants such as Vitamin C and E along with Selenium are not produced by the body and depend solely on dietary sources. However, their function depends on the presence of glutathione 


How to increase Glutathione?


Decrease the need by reducing toxic load; limit alcohol, conventionally grown foods, air and water pollutants.


There are a handful of foods that naturally contain glutathione, including asparagus, avocado, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, spinach, broccoli, garlic, chives, tomatoes, cucumber, almonds, and walnuts. However, a variety of factors can affect the levels of this vital nutrient, including storage and cooking.


Supplement with Alpha-Lipoic Acid, NAC (N-Acetylcysteine), SAMe


Glutathione supplementation can be done orally, by IV, or by nebulizer. Once again, a variety of factors can affect the levels of absorption. 


Join Us for a LIVE STREAM with Glutathione Expert, Dr. Guilford, MD

When: Apr 13, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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To help us better understand the importance of glutathione I have invited Dr. Gilford, MD to be our guest speaker tomorrow. He is a well-known expert on the subject of glutathione with many published papers and years of research in this field. 


Dr. Guilford states that Glutathione also functions as a cell signal in the immune system, so it serves as a critical component linking toxicity and oxidation stress to immune dysfunction. Dr. Gilford’s study of the role that glutathione plays in the basic mechanism of many diseases led to his formulation of ReadiSorb Glutathione, liposome encapsulation of reduced glutathione, over 8 years ago. A number of studies related to the properties of liposomal glutathione have been published and more are in progress. When: Apr 13,


Join Us for a LIVE STREAM with Glutathione Expert, Dr. Guilford, MD

When: Apr 13, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


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‘Daisies do not grow in cement’, proclaimed Dr. Sandy Wood, ND many years ago. 

In other words, if your immune system is strong your chances of getting sick are minimal and even if you do get sick, your recovery should be strong and fast.


Louis Pasteur articulated the Germ Theory of Disease, stating that microorganisms are the primary cause of disease. His life-long rival, Antoine Bechamp postulated that the condition of a host organism is the primary cause of disease, otherwise known as the Terrain Theory


Surprisingly Pasteur on his deathbed declared that Bechamp was right. To me, both theories have much to offer in terms of disease prevention and healing. Many germs or micro-organisms can be the causative agents promoting disease, however only if the terrain allows this. Remember, daisies do not grow in cement; there must be susceptibility first. This would explain why some people succumb to infection while others do not when exposed to the same infectious organism.


In the next series of blogs, we will cover the subject of autoimmunity with practical suggestions for you to implement and maximize your natural protection to optimize your immunity. Yes, it is important to try to avoid disease. However with the present epidemic, there is a prevalent opinion of building a ‘herd immunity.’ This assumes that, shortly, many of us will be infected with coronavirus, with the great majority surviving and thus becoming immune to this virus. 


So how do you improve your terrain and be prepared?


There are several parts to this anti-viral strategy and in this article, we will start by covering nutrition to boost your immunity. I’ll propose a combination of safe nutrients, botanicals and dietary modifications to support immune function. 


I recommend for most people to switch to what's considered a Mediterranean approach of eating, selecting foods within this diet that you know work for your body.


The Mediterranean way of eating is based on abundant consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, Omega-3 and monounsaturated fatty acids, lean sources of protein, legumes, fatty cold-water fish and moderate amounts of lean meats. 


This diet prohibits the consumption of chemically preserved foods, artificial sweeteners and carbohydrate dominant foods, such as pastries, candies, processed grains and other foods high on the glycemic index. This diet has been consistently associated with improvements in insulin sensitivity and reduction of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. Mediterranean diet is immune-supportive by avoiding pro-inflammatory and immunosuppressive foods that are high in fat and carbohydrate that promote viral replication. Unfortunately, the Standard American Diet (SAD) is loaded with pro-inflammatory high-fat, high-sugar foods all of which are immune suppressive. 


Most people do not consume an optimal amount of vitamins and minerals by diet alone. Consider taking a broad-spectrum multi-vitamin. Inadequate intake of many nutrients has been long recognized as a contributing factor to many diseases in the Western world. When looking for multi-vitamins, please consider products made from natural sources vs. much cheaper synthetic sources. Micro-Nutrients contribute to the body’s natural defence functions, by supporting physical barriers (skin/mucosa), cellular immunity and antibody production. Also, probiotics plus vitamins and minerals may reduce the incidence and severity of upper respiratory infections.


In my last article I noted several essential vitamins, minerals and botanicals with immune boosting and anti-viral properties, if you missed it, here is a link to it. 



In my next article, we will look closely at specific nutritional supplementation that plays a vital role in immune function.  


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Did you know that your oral health offers clues about your overall health — or that problems in your mouth can affect the rest of your body? 


Protect yourself by learning more about the connection between your oral health and overall health. In this video interview with Dr. Ellie Campbell, we have discussed the relationship between oral health and overall health.


Like other areas of the body, your mouth teems with bacteria. However, unlike the other areas of your body, your mouth is the entry point to your digestive and respiratory tracts, and some of these bacteria can cause disease.


Your oral health is more important than you might realize. Learn how the health of your mouth, teeth and gums can affect your general health.


To watch this video, please click Here

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I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Christine Horner recently about Breast Health and Cancer Prevention. She has been a women's health advocate for many years and the best selling author of several excellent books on the subject.

Christine Horner, MD, is a board-certified and nationally recognized surgeon, author, expert in natural medicine, and a relentless champion for women's health. She spearheaded legislation in the 1990s that made it mandatory that insurance companies pay for breast reconstruction following mastectomy.


Please watch our interview by clicking HERE.


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Most information about Breast Cancer is fear-driven. This often leads to confusion about how to properly manage Breast Health and does not empower women to Prevent Breast Cancer.
Watch the first of our 3-Part Webinar Series that will:
  • Dispel any fears, 
  • Empower you with facts, and
  • Provide you with important ways to improve your health.
We hope you learn and enjoy! Click here to watch
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Recently giving a talk on breast cancer prevention I was asked what would be the number one most important thing when it comes to breast cancer prevention. I quickly ran through the list of well-known subjects in my mind, just like the ones we’ve been discussing in the past 9 days through this blog series. Suddenly I stopped when I came to realize that we already have been given the greatest power to heal and prevent disease – our mind and the power of thought. 

According to Dr. Hans Selye, a great physician, — “disease is the body’s inability to deal with mental, emotional or physical stress.” In other words, it is not the stress that kills us; it is our reaction to it.

If you’re stressed or have something negative on your mind, the brain will respond differently than when you are relaxed and in harmony with your environment. Amazingly, when you’re in harmony, your body actually produces chemistry that supports your immune system. The chemistry of protection and healing can only occur in this, harmonious, or, parasympathetic mode. 

Dr. Bruce Lipton writes in his fascinating book, Biology of Belief: “How I see the world and my perception controls not just internal biology and genetic behaviour but it controls how I create a world around me. Your mind’s perception of the world changes the biology and chemistry of your own body, which changes cells in your body.” 

I invite you to maintain a positive conversation with your-self, despite all your past failures and disappointments. This is, of course, very difficult. Try to accept criticism by someone you respect and use it as a base for further self-development and self-discovery. But also try to keep a conscious awareness of the things that make you wonderful and loveable. Don’t hesitate to give your-self encouragement, even if it isn’t coming from others. Remind yourself of your previous accomplishments. Tell yourself you can do it. Decide to be your own biggest supporter, even when you make mistakes or fail. This will definitely improve your sense of self-approval and acceptance over time. 

Remember that by changing your perception, you can actually change your life. To quote Gandhi who said that, “As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - This is a myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves.” 

Take charge of your health today, be proactive and help others to prevent breast cancer NOW!


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