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Thermal Imaging In Dentistry

Posted by on in Breast Health


The use of thermal imaging in dentistry is still relatively new, but the technology has already shown promise in helping dentists to identify dental conditions that may otherwise go unnoticed.


One of the primary advantages of thermal imaging in dentistry is that it allows for the early detection of dental problems. In traditional dental exams, dentists rely on visual examination, X-ray, and other diagnostic tools to identify dental conditions such as cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer. However, these methods are not always able to identify problems in their early stages. Thermal imaging, on the other hand, can detect even the slightest changes in temperature, allowing dentists to detect dental problems before they become more serious.


Another advantage of thermal imaging is its non-invasive nature. Traditional dental imaging techniques, such as X-rays, can be uncomfortable and expose patients to radiation. In contrast, thermal imaging is non-invasive and painless, making it a safer and more comfortable option for patients. This is especially beneficial for patients who are anxious about dental procedures or who have a low pain tolerance.


In addition to its early detection capabilities, non-invasive nature, and cost-effectiveness, thermal imaging has a range of other benefits in dental applications. For example, thermal imaging can be used to detect inflammation and infection in the teeth and gums, as well as to assess the effectiveness of treatments such as root canal therapy.


According to a study published in the Journal of Innovative Dentistry, thermal imaging has an overall accuracy rate of 94.9% in detecting dental problems, including caries, periodontal disease, and oral cancer (Acharya et al., 2014).


While the use of thermal imaging in dentistry is still relatively new, the technology has already shown promise in improving the detection and treatment of dental conditions. By allowing for early detection, providing a non-invasive option, offering a quick and easy procedure, monitoring progress, and reducing costs, thermal imaging has the potential to revolutionize the field of dentistry.



Hits: 1317

Balance Your Hormones Naturally

Posted by on in Breast Health

There is so much controversy about HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and a lot of confusion.


Well, we decided to interview Dr. Cara Flamer, MD, an expert in bio-identical hormone therapy, to get some answers.


In this interview we discussed different ways to test and balance hormones naturally and when it is appropriate to use bio-identical hormone therapy.  


Please click here to watch the interview.

Hits: 1273

In our latest interview with Carol Petersen, RPh, CNP a compounding Pharmacist of many years, we busted the myth that cholesterol contributes to increased risk for cardiovascular disease:


·       Find out the importance of cholesterol to your hormone production and balance.

·       Understand the risks of suppressing cholesterol levels with statin drugs.

·       Learn about the most reliable test score when it comes to predicting the risk of heart disease.

·       Discover which key vitamins play a role in proper hormone function.


You don't want to miss this interview where you will take away new knowledge and easy steps to implement toward bettering your health.


 You can watch it HERE:



Hits: 1409

Good News!


Finally, the FDA published a Patient Safety Communication on 'silver' dental amalgam, however, it has not gotten the public and media attention it deserved.


Every dental office should put these Infographics on display for their patients to see. 


Please keep in mind that the removal of dental amalgam by a regular dentist could be problematic and unsafe. A dental dam and a water spray are not enough to protect you. We recommend that you find a dentist who uses safety protocol, you can find additional information and a list of dentists in your area at or


We at Thermography Clinic have been calling for safe amalgam removal for over two decades now. Over the many years at our clinic, we have imaged thousands using infrared thermography. In many cases, we have seen cases of inflammation and signs of early abnormalities. Studies have shown that dental and oral health is closely linked to overall health. 


For additional information regarding thermography and dental health please read the following article on Thermography and Dental Pathology.


We’re eagerly awaiting a similar alert by the FDA regarding the dangers associated with root canal procedures. They might be a bit late, at least by over 25 years, but as the old saying goes – Better Late Than Never. 



Hits: 2434


Dr. Phillip Bretz is the Chief Medical Officer, Founder and Director of the Visionary Breast Centers. After a long and impressively illustrious medical career that spans over four decades Dr. Bretz has pioneered a revolutionary approach to breast surgery and cancer treatment that no longer requires mastectomies, or other procedures leaving women’s bodies deformed. This breakthrough approach will benefit women worldwide.


Watch, listen and learn about how he has done this, and what his vision is for making such a difference in the lives of women, and by extension, their loved ones.


Please watch - Interview with Dr. Phillip Bretz




Hits: 3272

Candida and Hormones

Posted by on in Breast Health

Have you ever taken antibiotics, steroids or birth control pills? Or experienced one or two vaginal yeast infections or recurrent thrush?


Do you suffer from bloating, skin rashes, sinus problems, even though you’re doing everything to eat right and live a healthy lifestyle?


Do you feel like sugar controls you?


If you experience any or all of these symptoms, candida overgrowth could be to blame. It could be disrupting your hormonal balance, without you being aware of it.


Hormonal imbalances are linked to yeast infections. High levels of estrogen cause Candida fungi to overgrow. Or is it the opposite? Maybe candida overgrowth disrupts your body's natural balance of progesterone and estrogen. To find out more about this connection I have invited Carol Petersen to shed some light on this subject.

Carol Petersen is an accomplished compounding pharmacist with decades of experience helping patients improve their quality of life through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy 

To watch this interview, click HERE


Hits: 2489

In the past few months, we have been witnessing how much we rely on the internet and mobile technologies. People are connecting with family and friends remotely, working remotely, celebrating events, sharing prayers, all remotely, while also streaming movies, lectures, webinars and videos. 


Collectively we spend much more time in front of our computer screens than ever before. And while this has been very helpful to many of us, we also want to take a look at the issue of safety regarding electromagnetic radiation (EMF), dirty electricity and the advent of the fast looming G5 network. 


To answer many questions on this topic please watch our interview with a world-renown expert in this field Dr. Magda Havas, Ph.D.


From the wise words of Dr. Havas. "Our use of wireless technology is not going to stop and every one of us must learn how to use it as safely as possible. It is also essential that governments regulate this industry and related industries to protect public health and the health of the environment. We all need to make informed decisions on how to use modern electromagnetic technology effectively and safely."


Please watch this Interview Here



Here are some websites mentioned in this interview:
8. (purchasing meters, shielding, etc.)
Hits: 2142

Glutathione is also known as the Master Detoxifier and the Mother of All Antioxidants and the Chief of the Immune System.


Glutathione is a naturally occurring antioxidant in plants and animals that reduces cellular inflammation.


The role of glutathione has been well researched and described in medical literature for many years now, yet its role and importance is not widely known even among professionals. This master detoxifier also supports mitochondrial function, healthy aging, protection from mercury and other toxic metals, protects from alcohol and environmental pollutants. However, as we age, glutathione levels naturally diminish thus setting the stage for many diseases associated with low levels of glutathione.


Diseases Associated with Glutathione Depletion:


Neurodegenerative: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson, Huntington’s


Pulmonary: Asthma, COPD, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome


Immune: HIV, Autoimmune Diseases


Cardiovascular: Hypertension, MI (myocardial infarction), Cholesterol Oxidation


Age related diseases: Cataracts, Macular Degeneration, Hearing Impairment, Glaucoma


Liver Disease: Fatty Liver Disease


Cystic Fibrosis



Ways Glutathione Supports Your Health:


Aging Process: Higher Glutathione levels associated with higher levels of physical health, fewer illnesses and better cognitive function. 


Glutathione plays a major role in immune function, supports detoxification, energy production and remains crucial in antioxidant activity.


The immune system identifies and attacks germs and other invaders including cancer cells. As long as it has an adequate supply of glutathione.


Master Detoxifier. Our air, food, and water are full of toxic substances. The immune system has to protect us with the help of the liver as the main organ of detoxification. Glutathione helps support liver function thus aiding to prevent toxins from causing cell and organ damage.


Energy Generator. Glutathione provides sustained energy on a molecular level by mopping up unwanted byproducts like free radicals. On the cellular level glutathione aids in the continuous energy production by the mitochondria. The whole body needs glutathione to maintain physical and mental performance.


Mother of All Antioxidants. There is a strong association between disease processes and oxidative stress. A wide variety of antioxidant foods and nutrients are essential to good health and disease prevention. Antioxidants such as Vitamin C and E along with Selenium are not produced by the body and depend solely on dietary sources. However, their function depends on the presence of glutathione 


How to increase Glutathione?


Decrease the need by reducing toxic load; limit alcohol, conventionally grown foods, air and water pollutants.


There are a handful of foods that naturally contain glutathione, including asparagus, avocado, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, spinach, broccoli, garlic, chives, tomatoes, cucumber, almonds, and walnuts. However, a variety of factors can affect the levels of this vital nutrient, including storage and cooking.


Supplement with Alpha-Lipoic Acid, NAC (N-Acetylcysteine), SAMe


Glutathione supplementation can be done orally, by IV, or by nebulizer. Once again, a variety of factors can affect the levels of absorption. 


Join Us for a LIVE STREAM with Glutathione Expert, Dr. Guilford, MD

When: Apr 13, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Register in advance for this webinar:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


To help us better understand the importance of glutathione I have invited Dr. Gilford, MD to be our guest speaker tomorrow. He is a well-known expert on the subject of glutathione with many published papers and years of research in this field. 


Dr. Guilford states that Glutathione also functions as a cell signal in the immune system, so it serves as a critical component linking toxicity and oxidation stress to immune dysfunction. Dr. Gilford’s study of the role that glutathione plays in the basic mechanism of many diseases led to his formulation of ReadiSorb Glutathione, liposome encapsulation of reduced glutathione, over 8 years ago. A number of studies related to the properties of liposomal glutathione have been published and more are in progress. When: Apr 13,


Join Us for a LIVE STREAM with Glutathione Expert, Dr. Guilford, MD

When: Apr 13, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Register in advance for this webinar: 


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Hits: 2854

Follow up to our Q&A Session

Posted by on in Breast Health


Today, I want to thank all of our participants during our special Live Q&A Session on Friday, April 3rd to help our community stay empowered during this pandemic. We want to keep our community informed about these and all health matters. By your overwhelming response, it showed that we’re on the right track. 


With so much information these days, it is often hard to know which is accurate and which is not. As an avid researcher, I spend time deciphering the abundant information and determine what is relevant, what sources seem credible and what would make sense based on my experience in health and healing.


I was asked to summarize supplements and suggestions discussed in Friday’s talk.


As I mentioned during the broadcast, this is the regiment I use for myself along with my family:


  • Vitamin C, preferably in buffered form 3gm pre-day or 1gm every 8 hours. 
  • Vitamin D3 + K2 5000 IU per day. According to some studies up to 85% of the population is Vitamin D deficient. Check your levels if you can with your doctor with the 25 (OH) D blood test. (Caveat, people with kidney stones or elevated serum calcium should be careful and start with 400 IU/Day)
  • Vitamin A, 1000 mcg/day
  • Magnesium 400 mg daily
  • Zinc 20 mg daily
  • Melatonin, start with 3-5 mg at bedtime and see how your body responds to this
  • A good quality full spectrum pro-biotic can be very beneficial to keep your microbiome and intestines healthy to support your immune system.
  • Natural detoxifying and anti-microbial foods in your diet like Garlic, Ginger and Onions. All are superfoods and we use them extensively in our daily food intake.
  • As well as Elderberry (Sambucus Nigrum) to help with cough and phlegm.


I want to emphasize once more that no virus can defeat a robust immune system. Those with well functioning immune systems appear to shake off this infection with mild symptoms. Unfortunately, as much as half of our population has compromised immune systems due to many contributing factors we have been describing way before this epidemic hit us. 


Although the above-mentioned supplements are only a few that were mentioned during our Q&A session, it is important to remember that your general diet and daily exercise routine is of crucial importance to maintain your health. 


Keep your diet relatively alkaline with the emphasis on vegetables and an avoidance of sugar and dairy. Keep yourself well hydrated with water or herbal teas, limit or avoid caffeine and alcohol.


In conclusion, we’re inspired by your enthusiastic response and great questions. Keep them coming! 


P.S. We are considering having Live Q&A sessions regularly to support our community and even to bring on guest speakers and renowned experts to answer your questions, to inform, educate and to keep you healthy. 

Stay tuned, stay connected, there are better times ahead and together we will get there.


Hits: 2486


‘Daisies do not grow in cement’, proclaimed Dr. Sandy Wood, ND many years ago. 

In other words, if your immune system is strong your chances of getting sick are minimal and even if you do get sick, your recovery should be strong and fast.


Louis Pasteur articulated the Germ Theory of Disease, stating that microorganisms are the primary cause of disease. His life-long rival, Antoine Bechamp postulated that the condition of a host organism is the primary cause of disease, otherwise known as the Terrain Theory


Surprisingly Pasteur on his deathbed declared that Bechamp was right. To me, both theories have much to offer in terms of disease prevention and healing. Many germs or micro-organisms can be the causative agents promoting disease, however only if the terrain allows this. Remember, daisies do not grow in cement; there must be susceptibility first. This would explain why some people succumb to infection while others do not when exposed to the same infectious organism.


In the next series of blogs, we will cover the subject of autoimmunity with practical suggestions for you to implement and maximize your natural protection to optimize your immunity. Yes, it is important to try to avoid disease. However with the present epidemic, there is a prevalent opinion of building a ‘herd immunity.’ This assumes that, shortly, many of us will be infected with coronavirus, with the great majority surviving and thus becoming immune to this virus. 


So how do you improve your terrain and be prepared?


There are several parts to this anti-viral strategy and in this article, we will start by covering nutrition to boost your immunity. I’ll propose a combination of safe nutrients, botanicals and dietary modifications to support immune function. 


I recommend for most people to switch to what's considered a Mediterranean approach of eating, selecting foods within this diet that you know work for your body.


The Mediterranean way of eating is based on abundant consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, Omega-3 and monounsaturated fatty acids, lean sources of protein, legumes, fatty cold-water fish and moderate amounts of lean meats. 


This diet prohibits the consumption of chemically preserved foods, artificial sweeteners and carbohydrate dominant foods, such as pastries, candies, processed grains and other foods high on the glycemic index. This diet has been consistently associated with improvements in insulin sensitivity and reduction of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. Mediterranean diet is immune-supportive by avoiding pro-inflammatory and immunosuppressive foods that are high in fat and carbohydrate that promote viral replication. Unfortunately, the Standard American Diet (SAD) is loaded with pro-inflammatory high-fat, high-sugar foods all of which are immune suppressive. 


Most people do not consume an optimal amount of vitamins and minerals by diet alone. Consider taking a broad-spectrum multi-vitamin. Inadequate intake of many nutrients has been long recognized as a contributing factor to many diseases in the Western world. When looking for multi-vitamins, please consider products made from natural sources vs. much cheaper synthetic sources. Micro-Nutrients contribute to the body’s natural defence functions, by supporting physical barriers (skin/mucosa), cellular immunity and antibody production. Also, probiotics plus vitamins and minerals may reduce the incidence and severity of upper respiratory infections.


In my last article I noted several essential vitamins, minerals and botanicals with immune boosting and anti-viral properties, if you missed it, here is a link to it.


In my next article, we will look closely at specific nutritional supplementation that plays a vital role in immune function.  


Hits: 2883

Good News About Coronavirus

Posted by on in Breast Health


Let’s face it, we have never experienced anything like the present crisis in our lifetime. The level of fear and anxiety is unprecedented and understandable. However, I’m sure that we will all agree that this fear and anxiety is counterproductive. 


We can choose to be in reactive or to be in pro-active mode when it comes to our health. Instead of helplessly waiting for symptoms to develop, we can take a pro-active approach by strengthening our immune system and improving our health. 


Over many years we have developed effective strategies to combat common ailments and prevent disease. These recommendations in no way contradict our health advisory instructions regarding hygiene, social distancing, self-isolation, etc. 


So, what can you do? Let’s start with the basics:


Limit or avoid consuming alcohol and any foods containing sugar. These have been shown in numerous studies to deplete immune protection. 


Especially avoid smoking and vaping.


Eat clean food free of preservatives and additives. Eat 7-9 servings of fruit and vegetables per day.


Drink clean water, not from plastic bottles.


Keep physically active, exercise. Don’t become a couch potato.


Get good 7 hours of sleep


Keep in mind that we have very little effect on what happens around us. The only thing we can control is how we react to it. Do whatever helps you with stress reduction, be it yoga, meditation, listening to music or going for a long walk. Keep the level of stress as low as possible, this alone will allow your immune system to work optimally. 


Here is a list of supplements that you can use daily to boost your immune response.


Vitamin C 3000 - 5000 mg daily in divided doses.

Vitamin D3 5000 IU with extra vitamin K2 per day

Magnesium 400 ml daily

Zinc 20 mg daily

Selenium 100 mcg daily


Several herbal and other preparations that are known to help to boost immunity:


Hydrastis Canadensis



Eulutherococcus Senticocus (Siberian Ginseng)


Colloidal Silver


I would also suggest using Lugol’s Solution 5% (iodine and potassium iodine) that has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Use a few drops in a glass of water and rinse your mouth and gargle with it daily. This is a great antiseptic but it must be used with caution.


Stay informed, stay home, enjoy nature, practice good hygiene, take care of yourself and your family, and look out for your neighbours. Working together, looking out for and protecting each other, we will get through this better and stronger. 


There is nothing like the common enemy that unites people. Well, we got one! 


It is my hope and prayer that with this crisis that we experience right now, we will elevate our level of consciousness to care for each other as one humanity.

Remember we are all in it together and this is the good news about Coronavirus.


Hits: 5566


Dr. Alvin Pettle is a vastly experienced physician, having been in practice for more than four decades. His long and successful career in medicine began in 1969 when he graduated from the University of Toronto School of Medicine in Ontario. He later completed fellowships in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 


The Ruth Pettle Wellness Center is named in memory of his mother who passed away from breast cancer. Dr. Pettle actively teaches young doctors to be able to safely use bio-identical hormones. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, also known as bio-identical hormone therapy or natural hormone therapy, is the use of hormones that are identical on a molecular level with endogenous hormones in hormone replacement therapy. With the support of his expert team, Dr. Pettle uses the latest technology and techniques in hormone replacement therapy to tackle the problems associated with ageing and menopause.


To watch this interview, please click HERE

Hits: 4528


Some time ago I had the honour and pleasure of interviewing Dr. Christiane Northrup about breast health. Dr. Northrup, M.D., is a three-time New York Times bestselling author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, The Wisdom of Menopause and Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-being. In 2013, Reader’s Digest named Dr. Northrup one of the “100 Most Trusted People in America.”


Internationally known for her empowering approach, Dr. Northrup embraces medicine that acknowledges the unity of mind, body, emotions, and spirit, and teaches women to create health by tuning into their inner wisdom. After decades spent transforming women’s understanding of their sacred bodies and processes, Dr. Northrup now teaches women to thrive at every stage of life. 


You will be informed, empowered and inspired,  please watch this HERE

Hits: 2665


In this second part of our interview with Dr. Odell, we focused more on the subject of breast cancer prevention. Covering a range of subjects, such as:


  • medicinal mushrooms 
  • hormonal regulators
  • vital minerals 
  • nutritional requirements
  • biological dentistry
  • and much, much more


This interview is packed with valuable information for anyone who wants to improve their health and get useful tools to prevent disease.

If you missed the first part of this interview you can watch Part 1, please click HERE
Hits: 2252


Understanding Breast Cancer and how to prevent it have been my primary focus and mission for two decades now. There are many good books on this subject, and as an author myself, I'm always interested in new information and different approaches to this subject. 


When I started reading Dr. Odell's latest book, "Breast Cancer - The Rest of the Story," I realized that this is probably the most comprehensive and almost exhaustive book ever written on the subject. My compliments to Dr. Odell on completion and publishing this incredibly essential and integral addition to the issue of breast cancer, prevention and treatment.


Naturally, I wanted to bring his knowledge and perspective to all of you who are interested in this subject. That is why I reached out to Dr. Odell via a mutual friend for an interview, and he graciously accepted.  


Please watch Part 1 of this interview HERE.


Hits: 2835

Oral and Your Overall Health

Posted by on in Breast Health


When we hear about “digestion,” we often think of food, stomach and gut. While the gut plays a vital role in our wellbeing, digestion is not restricted to this part of the digestive tract.


Digestion begins in your mouth, and oral health plays an equally important part of your overall health.


In our second interview with Dr. Campbell, we discussed how oral health could have a direct impact on your gut health and vice versa. Oral health problems can be linked to poor digestive absorption and immune response. The very first signs of gastrointestinal diseases may also occur in your mouth.


To watch this interview please click HERE


Hits: 2253


By popular demand, we have invited Carol Peterson, BS Pharmacy, to discuss women's hormones and how they change and affect your health. 


For the last 25 years, Carol has been working with Women's International Pharmacy, specializing in compounded bio-identical hormone therapies.


In this short interview, we managed to cover several essential topics, such as: 


  • Is hormonal balance vital to your health? 


  • HRT vs Bio-Identical Hormones, is there a difference?


  • What type of testing choices are available? The advantages and shortcomings of each method.


  • What kind of health conditions or symptoms would indicate a hormonal imbalance?



Don't miss this informative interview; it's filled with valuable information.


To watch this interview, please click HERE



Hits: 3178

Thermography and Full Body Imaging

Posted by on in Breast Health


Pain may originate from many different sources, and sometimes it could be very challenging to understand the cause of this pain. For answers to this problem, I have decided to go to my good friend and expert on the subject of pain Dr. Schwartz in South Carolina. 


Dr. Schwartz’s drive to figure out how to eradicate pain has led him to embrace the spirit of innovation. As a result of his work, he has achieved numerous Board Certifications, published hundreds of articles, and has been Guest Professor at Medical Universities around the world. He has lectured extensively and spoken at the World Health Organization in the United Nations. But for him, education is not a thing of the past. His mission is to find the best possible way to treat pain at its source. 


In this interview, you will find out how medical thermography helps to facilitate breakthroughs in the way sympathetic pain is diagnosed and treated while improving the chances for a favorable treatment outcome.


To watch this video interview please click HERE

Hits: 2489

Breast Health Interview Part 2

Posted by on in Breast Health


If you're concerned about developing breast cancer, you might be wondering if there are steps you can take to help prevent breast cancer. There are simple and practical lifestyle changes you can make to lower your risk.


In this second part of our interview with Dr. Horner, we discussed breast health and breast cancer prevention. What are the contributing factors that may lead to breast cancer, what to do about them, and how to avoid them? 


You can listen to Part 2 of this audio interview here.



Hits: 2634


In 1956 a Canadian surgeon Dr. Ray Lawson of McGill Medical School in Montreal published the first research paper on breast cancer and thermography.  He noted that the skin temperature of his breast cancer patients was higher compared to healthy patients, and he used modified declassified military scanners to evaluate these temperature differences. Thus a new method and technology became available to the public called Breast Thermography.


Recently I was interviewed about thermography and breast health by my friend Dr. Christine Horner, a relentless champion for women's health. In Part 1 of this interview, we spoke about thermography, while in the next segment (Part 2), our discussion revolved more about breast health and cancer prevention. 


You can listen to Part 1 of this audio interview here.


Hits: 2657