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Where you live increases the risk of breast cancer

Did you know that breast cancer incidence is seven (7) times higher in US and Canada compared to China and Japan. Yet there is no difference in breast cancer rates in Asian women after a third generation of living in North America. Breast Cancer appears to be more of a geographically located disease. The highest incidence occurs in US and Canada, parts of Western Europe, Israel, Australia and New Zealand. The lowest incidence of breast cancer appears to be in countries like China, India and Japan and some parts of Africa. 




Unfortunately the incidence of breast cancer has been dramatically rising in countries like India and China as their diets and lifestyle begin to resemble those of the high-risk countries. This clearly shows that breast cancer is not related to genetics but is overwhelmingly connected to diet and lifestyle choices that we make. The truth is that only 2% of breast cancer is genetic in origin while 98% is caused by lifestyle and environment and 100% of breast cancer is influenced by lifestyle.
















Alexander Mostovoy is a clinician, writer, researcher, and public speaker, and is recognized as a leading authority on breast health and cancer prevention. He has lectured extensively across Canada, the United States, South America, and Europe, and has educated and trained physicians in breast cancer prevention and the use of medical thermography. He is the best selling author of the book Breast Cancer Is A Preventable Disease and a co-creator of the Breast Cancer Prevention Global Virtual Conference.
