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The Science Behind Breast Thermography

Many of you know that breast thermography has been under a vicious attack with critics suggesting that there is no scientific validity behind it. We would like to present our collection of studies on thermography to all those who are misinformed and continue to misinform the public.  Please see our study index and see for yourself if there is science behind breast thermography.


Here is an example of one of the above mentioned studies and its conclusion, take a moment to read this:


Department of Radiotherapy,

London Cancer Center, London, Ontario; and Ville Marie Breast and Oncology Center, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.



Our initial experience would suggest that, when done concomitantly with clinical exam and mammography, high-resolution digital infrared imaging can provide additional safe, practical, and objective information.  Our initial reappraisal would also suggest that infrared imaging, based more on process than structural changes and requiring neither contact, compression, radiation or venous access, can provide pertinent and practical complementary information to both clinical exam and mammography, our current primary basic detection modalities.”


Alexander Mostovoy is a clinician, writer, researcher, and public speaker, and is recognized as a leading authority on breast health and cancer prevention. He has lectured extensively across Canada, the United States, South America, and Europe, and has educated and trained physicians in breast cancer prevention and the use of medical thermography. He is the best selling author of the book Breast Cancer Is A Preventable Disease and a co-creator of the Breast Cancer Prevention Global Virtual Conference.
