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Eight Super-Detoxifying Foods For Your Spring Detox.

Eight Super-Detoxifying Foods For Your Spring Detox.

Spring is a perfect time to detox your body, boost your metabolism, optimize digestion, lose weight and boost your energy levels. You can use the following eight super detoxifying foods in any combination you like:

Beets: Are well known as blood purifiers. Beet juice improves blood structure, circulatory system, and has beneficial effect on the large intestine and the digestive system. Beet juice has the capacity to dissolve stones in the kidney, liver and bladder.

Cilantro: Excellent for detoxing mercury, leeching from our amalgam fillings. Raw organic cilantro can be chopped up and sprinkled on almost any food serving.

Chlorella: Well known as super food, combined with cilantro, it is the ultimate heavy metal detoxifier derived from foods.

Garlic: Is the most effective broad-spectrum anti-microbial agent possessing 39 different anti-fungal, bacterial, parasitic and viral agents. Garlic supports many liver enzymes that aid detoxification. 

Broccoli sprouts: Along with other cruciferous vegetables, helps prevent cancer and stimulates toxin-filtering enzymes in the liver.

Omega-3 oils: Besides helping to prevent chronic inflammation, these oils help lubricate the intestinal walls. Avocado, ground hemp or flax seeds or oils, and pure virgin olive oil are recommended.

Lemon or limewater: Mixed with warm water and consumed first thing in the morning is an old liver cleansing remedy.

Mung beans: They are easy to digest and tend to absorb and help eliminate Gastro-Intestinal tract toxins.

To have full benefits of detoxification you should also eliminate alcohol, processed white flour and sugar completely. In addition, to add an extra punch to your detox and flush your system you can use all raw leafy vegetables for juicing or blend them for green smoothies as often as possible. For optimum results drink eight glasses of water per day.

Alexander Mostovoy is a clinician, writer, researcher, and public speaker, and is recognized as a leading authority on breast health and cancer prevention. He has lectured extensively across Canada, the United States, South America, and Europe, and has educated and trained physicians in breast cancer prevention and the use of medical thermography. He is the best selling author of the book Breast Cancer Is A Preventable Disease and a co-creator of the Breast Cancer Prevention Global Virtual Conference.
