In the past few months, we have been witnessing how much we rely on the internet and mobile technologies. People are connecting with family and friends remotely, working remotely, celebrating events, sharing prayers, all remotely, while also streaming movies, lectures, webinars and videos.
Collectively we spend much more time in front of our computer screens than ever before. And while this has been very helpful to many of us, we also want to take a look at the issue of safety regarding electromagnetic radiation (EMF), dirty electricity and the advent of the fast looming G5 network.
To answer many questions on this topic please watch our interview with a world-renown expert in this field Dr. Magda Havas, Ph.D.
From the wise words of Dr. Havas. “Our use of wireless technology is not going to stop and every one of us must learn how to use it as safely as possible. It is also essential that governments regulate this industry and related industries to protect public health and the health of the environment. We all need to make informed decisions on how to use modern electromagnetic technology effectively and safely.”
Please watch this Interview Here