Weight Loss

The Secret Behind Weight Loss

Mohammed Razik M.D. (Europe), B.C.C.T., D.H.M.S.

To lose weight in a proper healthy manner, we need to consume energy from fat.


Our body burns calories for energy; these calories are from the macronutrients we include in our diet, fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Carbohydrates are our immediate source of energy; they break down into sugar, and the excess is stored as fat. We have a limited source for proteins and that should be the last source of energy we consume, it is vital for lean muscle mass and hormone production. Fat is the most concentrated source of energy. We basically store it more than we use it, and that’s where the problem lays.


“Are you adding any shape or tone to your body”?

If the answer to that is no, then you are most likely burning off calories from proteins, not from fat. Not quite want you want if your goal is to lose weight. Wouldn’t you agree?

But how does our body make the choice of what to use for energy? What makes it chose carbs over fat or proteins over carbs?

What we use to burn for energy depends on several factors.

    • What we eat.
    • How we exercise.
    • Hormones.

All three factors are equally important, and all three factors are interconnected. But let us assume that you are indeed eating well and exercising regularly. What role do your hormones play in determining your energy consumption, and how important is that role?


Our Adrenals and Stress:


With stress, our Cortisol levels rise and DHEA levels drop.
High cortisol levels trigger the breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates for energy. On the other hand, DHEA increases lean muscle mass and energy levels.
Adrenal fatigue has become one of the most common health issues in today’s society, affecting greatly these hormones and their production, and causing numerous health issues. The symptoms usually vary from extreme fatigue and weakness with fluctuations in energy levels throughout the day, to sleep disturbances as insomnia despite being tired, waking up after falling asleep, or interrupted sleep throughout the night, all of which have a heavy load on the psycho-emotional state leading to depression and often a diagnosis of Chronic fatigue syndrome.


Insulin and Glucagon production?


Secreted by the Pancreas, these two very important hormones play a vital but often neglected role in weight management. Like Cortisol and DHEA they also act on determining what we use as a source of energy and how we store fat in our body instead of utilizing it. The foods choices we make (Glycemic Index) are very important in determining which hormone is dominant. Ultimately we are trying to obtain a balance between these two hormones. When eating foods with a high Glycemic index, blood sugar levels rise and with that our pancreas is triggered to release Insulin, the more we eat these foods the more insulin is produced and the less Glucagon. Carbohydrates are converted into glucose for energy, we can only use so much for that and the rest is stored in our body as fat.

(Insulin lowers blood sugar while Glucagon raises it)


In other words: Insulin triggers our body to store fat, at the same time inhibiting the release of glucagon which promotes the breakdown of fat. What we need to do is create a balance between the production of these two hormones, neither should be dominant.
In addition, when insulin manages to lower our blood sugar it actually causes a dramatic drop, causing food cravings which do not help us one bit.

Furthermore, fluctuations in blood sugar levels will add stress to the adrenal glands, and vice versa. Cortisol plays an important role with insulin as it combats its effectiveness; therefore more stress leads to more cortisol, leading to more insulin, leading to more stored fat.


Is your Thyroid under-active?


If so then your metabolism is in jeopardy. The Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the amount of energy and calories our body burns at rest, and that determines how well energy is consumed. Often times an under-active thyroid goes undiagnosed despite existing symptoms such as weight gain, cold intolerance, decreased sex drive, PMS, and loss of concentration, probably because they are often attributed to other conditions such as depression, ageing or menopause.


If you BMR is below normal, most likely weight gain will ensue and losing it would be difficult.


What could be done to help?

Here at our clinic, we use the following system:

  • We start with a proper clinical assessment, keeping in mind all aspects and areas which need to be investigated.
  • Diet monitoring along with food sensitivity testing to establish which foods should be eliminated or reduced.
  • Total hormone profile assessment, through specific saliva testing we can establish which areas need to be addressed hormonally and which organs need the most support, with specific attention to the thyroid and adrenal glands and their function.
  • A close evaluation of the level of physical activity the patient is involved in and trying to establish a specific exercise routine more geared towards fat burning.
  • Stress management.
  • Natural and Homeopathic medications and supplements have proven to be highly effective in supporting the Adrenal and thyroid glands, as well as blood sugar management.


Phentermine is a general form of such brand name drugs as Adipex-P, Suprenza and Ionamin, which are used for weight loss. Phentermine reduces appetite and stimulates the body to burn calories faster. Phentermine is a controlled substance, so it should be used only on a short-term basis (no longer than three weeks). People taking Phentermine should also reduce their daily intake of calories.

As you can see there are so many elements that come into play, and now that you have a better understanding of your metabolism and energy consumption, you will surely be ready to start losing that extra weight you always wanted to get rid of.