One of the best things you can do to improve your health is to eat your green vegetables that contain a very important substance called chlorophyll. Yes, the same chlorophyll that allows plants to absorb energy from light. Not getting enough green veggies in your diet? Try to consume liquid chlorophyll which has incredible health benefits. You can easily add it to your drinking water (1/4 tsp per glass) and drink it throughout the day. Molecular structure of chlorophyll is very similar to hemoglobin which is so vital to the health of our blood. It helps to replenish and rebuild our own blood cells that are essential to our energy and the feeling of wellbeing.
Chlorophyll also helps with fighting infection, wound healing, digestive, immune and detoxification functions. Liquid chlorophyll being highly alkaline breaks down calcium oxalate stones (most kidney stones are part oxalate). It protects against a myriad of carcinogens from fungus-laden foods to toxins from cooked meats. Chlorophyll promotes healthy digestive tract and helps eliminate odors in the mouth and throat.
Chlorophyll has a strong antioxidant capacity and has been found to reduce inflammation. It has an ability to bind and remove toxic heavy metals including mercury.Anyone with mercury fillings should definitely consider using liquid chlorophyll for detoxification and chelation.
Want more energy? Go Green eat lots of greens. Any food that is green will contain chlorophyll, so eat it up! If you don’t think you’re getting enough, start using liquid chlorophyll on daily basis and see the difference it makes.