Did you know close to 40% (88,289 cases per year) of breast cancers can be prevented?
This comes from the American Institute for Cancer Research and I feel that these numbers are very conservative. Given my professional experience, I would say these numbers are still quite conservative and the number is closer to double that.
Prevention is the key. Tremendous progress been made when it comes to educating the public and increasing prevention of heart disease and diabetes. Why not breast cancer?
Where can we start? Let’s start by addressing well-known risk factors associated with breast cancer like:
- Hormone Imbalance
- Endocrine Disorders
- Diet & Nutrition
- Life Style
- Emotional Health / Stress / Trauma
- Overweight
- Radiation Exposure
- Environmental Carcinogens
This is not a complete list, but in my opinion, these are the most common risk factors associated with breast cancer. To get started get together with a trusted health professional to assess properly your own risk factors. Further, create a plan of action on what you’ll need to address first and execute proper follow up. This may require some time and effort on your part but once you have made a commitment to keep improving your health there is no going back.
Breast cancer prevention does not get better by CHANCE and quick fixes, it gets better by CHANGE and lifestyle choices.