Ten Ways in Ten Days to Prevent Breast Cancer – Day 10

Recently giving a talk on breast cancer prevention I was asked what would be the number one most important thing when it comes to breast cancer prevention. I quickly ran through the list of well-known subjects in my mind, just like the ones we’ve been discussing in the past 9 days through this blog series. Suddenly I stopped when I came to realize that we already have been given the greatest power to heal and prevent disease – our mind and the power of thought.

According to Dr. Hans Selye, a great physician, — “disease is the body’s inability to deal with mental, emotional or physical stress.” In other words, it is not the stress that kills us; it is our reaction to it.

If you’re stressed or have something negative on your mind, the brain will respond differently than when you are relaxed and in harmony with your environment. Amazingly, when you’re in harmony, your body actually produces chemistry that supports your immune system. The chemistry of protection and healing can only occur in this, harmonious, or, parasympathetic mode.

Dr. Bruce Lipton writes in his fascinating book, Biology of Belief: “How I see the world and my perception controls not just internal biology and genetic behaviour but it controls how I create a world around me. Your mind’s perception of the world changes the biology and chemistry of your own body, which changes cells in your body.”

I invite you to maintain a positive conversation with your-self, despite all your past failures and disappointments. This is, of course, very difficult. Try to accept criticism by someone you respect and use it as a base for further self-development and self-discovery. But also try to keep a conscious awareness of the things that make you wonderful and loveable. Don’t hesitate to give your-self encouragement, even if it isn’t coming from others. Remind yourself of your previous accomplishments. Tell yourself you can do it. Decide to be your own biggest supporter, even when you make mistakes or fail. This will definitely improve your sense of self-approval and acceptance over time.

Remember that by changing your perception, you can actually change your life. To quote Gandhi who said that, “As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world – This is a myth of the atomic age – as in being able to remake ourselves.” 

Take charge of your health today, be proactive and help others to prevent breast cancer NOW!