Risk Assessment
Your risk factors of getting Breast Cancer | Score | |
1. Family History | Add 15 points if you, your mother, sister or daughter has had breast cancer (15 points maximum) (If you scored 15 points in #1 above, skip #1a). Add 10 points maximum if your grandmother, Aunt or Cousin has had breast cancer (maternal or paternal) | |
2. Age | Add the following number to your score: Double your age, round to the nearest 10 and drop the zero (ex. Age 52 = 50, drop the 0, add 5 points)> | |
3. Pregnancy | Add 1 point if 1st pregnancy in teenage years Add 2 points if 1st pregnancy in twenties Add 3 points if 1st pregnancy in thirties Add 4 points if 1st pregnancy in forties Add double your age points if no pregnancies
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4. Birth Control | Add to your score the number of years on birth control, divided in half. (ex. 6 years on birth control, add 3)
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>5. Menopause | Add one point for each 8 years since menopause | |
6. HRT | Add one point for each 5 years on hormone therapy | |
7. Weight | Add one point for each 20 pounds overweight | |
8. Biopsy | Add one point for each biopsy | |
9. Ethnicity | Add one point if you are African-American or Jewish | |
10. Nursing | SUBTRACT one point for each child nursed for at least one month
| |
11. Hysterectomy | SUBTRACT one point for each 5 years since you have had a hysterectomy | |
Score: | 30 points or above = high risk 20 points or above = medium risk 19 points or less = low risk |