Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

 Your risk factors of getting Breast CancerScore
1. Family HistoryAdd 15 points if you, your mother, sister or daughter has had breast cancer (15 points maximum) (If you scored 15 points in #1 above, skip #1a).
Add 10 points maximum if your grandmother, Aunt or Cousin has had breast cancer (maternal or paternal)
2. AgeAdd the following number to your score:
Double your age, round to the nearest 10 and drop the zero
(ex. Age 52 = 50, drop the 0, add 5 points)>
3. PregnancyAdd 1 point if 1st pregnancy in teenage years
Add 2 points if 1st pregnancy in twenties
Add 3 points if 1st pregnancy in thirties
Add 4 points if 1st pregnancy in forties
Add double your age points if no pregnancies


4. Birth ControlAdd to your score the number of years on
birth control, divided in half.
(ex. 6 years on birth control, add 3)


>5. MenopauseAdd one point for each 8 years since menopause 
6. HRTAdd one point for each 5 years on hormone therapy 
7. WeightAdd one point for each 20 pounds overweight 
8. BiopsyAdd one point for each biopsy 
9. EthnicityAdd one point if you are African-American or Jewish 
10. NursingSUBTRACT one point for each child nursed
for at least one month


11. HysterectomySUBTRACT one point for each 5 years since you have had a hysterectomy 
Score:30 points or above = high risk
20 points or above = medium risk
19 points or less = low risk