Liver, Estrogen and Breast Cancer

The most important advice for preventing breast cancer is to maintain and enhance your liver’s ability to metabolize estrogens from different sources.

Since most breast tumors are estrogen receptor positive, it implies that they are partially fed by estrogen. Some estrogens are cancer protective, while some are cancer permissive – they are not all created equal.

Keep your E-2/16 ratio in check. A simple urine test (Estronex) can provide you with this information. The lower the amount of (bad) estrogen, the slower the potential growth.

What can you do to correct your ratio and improve your estrogen metabolism? Here is the plan:

Therapeutic use of I3C or DIM has been clinically shown to be very beneficial to keep your E2/16 ratio in a healthy zone.

Proper nutrition requires a specific diet that includes cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts along with foods that are high in Omega 3 oils such as fish and flaxseed. Foods containing high concentration of fiber are essential in promoting healthy digestive system and prevent estrogen reabsorption from the gut.

Maintaining a healthy intestinal state would require avoiding the use of anti-biotics and using probiotic supplements or fermented foods like kefir, yogurt, etc. Supplementation with probiotics Calcium D Glucorate has been proven very beneficial.

Correcting Insulin Resistance with low carbohydrate diet, exercise, weight control and muscle building will help in stabilizing your insulin levels.

Mineral supplements that are generally useful for this program will include magnesium and selenium.