Hidden Cause of Breast Cancer

Did you know there is a connection between dental health and breast cancer? 

Dr. Robert Jones, a researcher of the relationship between root canals and breast cancer, found an extremely high correlation between root canals and breast cancer. In a 5 Year study of 300 breast cancer cases:

93 percent of women with breast cancer had root canals

7 percent had other oral pathology

Tumors, in the majority of cases, occurred on the same side of the body as the root canal(s) or other oral pathology.

Root canals lead to chronic degenerative diseases such as heart disease, joint diseases, arthritis and cancer.

Recent research has indicated strains of “streptococcus,” “staphylococcus,” and “spirochetes” which exist in root canals. It’s home of all kinds of pathogenic bacteria.

Root canals accumulate toxins that cannot be expelled because there is no vascular system in the tooth to do it.

Bacteria formed in the root travels to other parts of the body through the bloodstream. Contrary to modern dental wisdom, antibiotics will not kill the bacteria formed in your root canal because the dead tooth does not have blood being supplied to it, so antibiotics will not be able to reach the inside of that tooth.

As toxins in root canals leak into the blood stream, every time you bite down on food, these toxins travel into the blood with open access to any location of the body with weak spots.

Over the years at our clinic, we have imaged thousands of women using infrared thermography. In many cases, we have clearly seen cases of inflammation in the dental area using this heat sensing technology. Many of these cases are caused by a low-grade infection and inflammation.  And, through further testing, these cases are attributed to dental or oral issues, such as issues related to root canal treated teeth. Invariably, some cases are very subtle, even asymptomatic for many years, but these cases slowly and continuously affect peoples’ health.

People living with a chronic source of infection and inflammation will eventually find that their immunity is affected. In some cases, this chronic inflammation and infection will actually promote the growth of malignancy. The natural defense mechanism to fight malignant development is impaired since their immune system is busy dealing with inflammation that has no chance of resolving on its own. The only way this problem can be resolved is by identifying and removing the cause.

When was the last time your doctor asked you about your dental health? If the answer is “never”, perhaps it is time to re-evaluate your health issues and consider this question. Take the initiative and investigate. It can help in restoring your health.

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