Have you ever taken antibiotics, steroids or birth control pills? Or experienced one or two vaginal yeast infections or recurrent thrush?
Do you suffer from bloating, skin rashes, sinus problems, even though you’re doing everything to eat right and live a healthy lifestyle?
Do you feel like sugar controls you?
If you experience any or all of these symptoms, candida overgrowth could be to blame. It could be disrupting your hormonal balance, without you being aware of it.
Hormonal imbalances are linked to yeast infections. High levels of estrogen cause Candida fungi to overgrow. Or is it the opposite? Maybe candida overgrowth disrupts your body’s natural balance of progesterone and estrogen. To find out more about this connection I have invited Carol Petersen to shed some light on this subject.
Carol Petersen is an accomplished compounding pharmacist with decades of experience helping patients improve their quality of life through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy