Author name: feysols


Study Index

1. Gautherie M. Thermopathology of breast cancer: measurement and analysis of in vivo temperature and blood flow. Ann N Y


Estrogen Dominance

Did you know that 2 out of 3 breast cancers are hormone receptor positive and the majority of them are


Mammography: False Hope

The former Good Morning America host Joan Lunden announced her aggressive form of breast cancer on Twitter. However, the biggest


Welcome to Pinktober

Every October we are inundated with cause-related marketing when a nefarious “pink tide” rolls over North American retail establishments. Product


Candida and Hormones

Have you ever taken antibiotics, steroids or birth control pills? Or experienced one or two vaginal yeast infections or recurrent


Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment   Your risk factors of getting Breast Cancer Score       1. Family History Add 15 points


Decline of Masculinity

Decline of Masculinity – Male Hormones Alexander Mostovoy,DHMS, BCCT Board Certified Clinical Thermographer   In the age of adulation of


Heart Disease

Women and Heart Disease Heart disease is the number one killer of women. More than 50% of women over the


Weight Loss

The Secret Behind Weight Loss Mohammed Razik M.D. (Europe), B.C.C.T., D.H.M.S. To lose weight in a proper healthy manner, we


Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome There are many people suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) causing them terrible discomfort, inconvenience, and worry.



Perimenopause – Preparing for a smooth transition The scope of the subject of perimenopause is enormous, considering the physical and


Thyroid Connection

Thyroid Connection Alexander Mostovoy, D.H.M.S.,BCCT   Board Certified Clinical Thermographer     Have you ever visited a seaside resort and


Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Fibrocystic Breast Disease Alexander Mostovoy, D.H.M.S., BCCT Board Certified Clinical Thermographer       As a clinical breast thermographer I


What’s the difference?

What’s the difference? Thermography, Mammography or Ultrasound? Alexander Mostovoy, D.H.M.S.,BCCT   One of the most frequent questions I am asked


Rethink Breast Cancer

Rethink Breast Cancer The ever growing cancer rates have become acceptable in today’s society; however, we should not accept this


Mammogram Conundrum

The Mammogram Conundrum Alexander Mostovoy, DHMS,BCCTBoard Certified Clinical Thermographer Recently the US Department of Health dropped a bombshell on unsuspecting