Don’t Crash and Burn! Watch Out For Adrenal Fatigue

Have you experienced stress in your life such as a death, divorce, or business failure? Not been the same since?

Finding it difficult to get out of bed in the morning? Does it take a long time to get going most mornings?

Noticing energy swings in your day? Do you start to feel awake by about noon then slump in energy after lunch? Do you feel better by the end of the day, but must go to bed as you tire easily?

Hard time sleeping at night? Do you lie awake, exhausted but too wired to go to sleep? Once asleep, do wake up after only a few hours, and find this cycle continuing night after night?

No energy to exercise? Are you lacking the stamina to exercise during the day, or feel totally drained after exercising?

Pick up infections easily? Does it take a long time to recover?

If any aspect of the pictures above sounds familiar, read on…

You may be experiencing Adrenal Fatigue.

It is estimated that up to 80% of people in the industrialized world suffer from Adrenal Fatigue at some point in their lives. For some, it may last a few days, for others, this debilitating condition can last decades. The problem is most common among women, and is often ignored or misdiagnosed as main symptoms mirror those of other conditions. Adrenal fatigue affects people in many different ways and for many different reasons. Although the etiology (cause) of Adrenal Fatigue may differ, the symptoms, regardless of the cause are very similar. Adrenal Fatigue occurs when the adrenal glands function on a sub-optimal level.

Adrenal glands are very responsive to changes in physical, emotional and psychological stressors, and many factors may interfere with this amazingly intricate balance. Stress, for example will put your body into a “fight or flight” response, however, your adrenals cannot differentiate between different types of stressors such as being attacked by a tiger in the jungle or having a heated argument with your boss. The adrenal gland responds by producing cortisol – the major hormone responsible for helping the body deal with stress.

Today most of us are under constant stress – be it physical stress from infection or illness, or emotional stress such as from a divorce or the death of a loved one. The adrenal gland will adjust to this constant and prolonged stress but may eventually become unable to meet the demand and dysfunction either by not producing enough cortisol, or by releasing too much cortisol. The extremes of adrenal dysfunction are Addison’s disease (no cortisol produced) and Cushing’s Syndrome (excessive cortisol released).

You may notice subtle changes at first: salt and sugar cravings may give you occasional relief. You may constantly need a caffeine fix via coffee or cola, you may become absentminded, have weak muscles, have low sex drive, feel that you cannot get enough sleep, you also may have constipation alternating with diarrhea. Prednisone was prescribed to me following the medical inspection carried out by my doctor. I did my best to maintain the administration as per prescription and was happy to exhibit only slight body weight gain as side effects. I am optimistic that Prednisone will aid me to get rid of that sickness.

Unless your situation is addressed properly, you could be at risk of adult onset diabetes, autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue, hypoglycemia (in fact most people suffering from hypoglycemia have low adrenal function) and even fibromyalgia. Many people will suffer from anxiety and depression; have problems with concentration, with periods of confusion, searching for words, making mistakes with names and simple math. Most women with sub-optimal adrenals will complain of PMS, terrible menopausal symptoms and a decrease in immune function. Adrenal gland function is so important to your well-being, but is often overlooked as the cause of these mentioned symptoms.

How To Assess & Care For Adrenal Function

Adrenal function can be assessed with a simple saliva test taken to measure cortisol levels. The test is easy and can be done at home.

An Adrenal Care Program can be very successful in restoring Adrenal Function. Any program chosen should include finding the underlying cause, and making the necessary changes to your lifestyle, diet, supplements approach, and may also include herbal and homeopathic remedies.

Lifestyle changes include getting plenty of rest, reducing stressors (such as watching the news on TV while in bed), eliminating caffeine, taking time to relax, pray, and meditate. Diet changes should include reducing your consumption of refined carbohydrates (white bread and sugar) and increasing consumption of vegetables and whole grains.

The body needs vitamins and minerals to make adrenal hormones. The best way to get your vitamins and minerals is from your diet; however this would only apply to healthy individuals. Most people suffering from this or other types of disorders are nutritionally deficient with sub optimal diets requiring supplementation and support. Supplements necessary would include Vitamin C, Vitamin B-complex, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid and Magnesium.

Many herbs are useful in the treatment of adrenal issues such as: Eleutherococcus Senticocus (Siberian Ginseng) (not to be confused with regular ginseng), Rhodeola Rosea, Whithenia Somnifera (Aashwaganda), and Schisandra Chinensis.

Under the supervision of a physician, hormone supplementation with DHEA, Pregnenolone and Progesterone may yield some amazing results. Homeopathic treatment and medications can also be very effective. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed on an individual basis specifically tailored to many specific symptoms presented by the patient.

You do not need to suffer from the debilitating exhaustion and other issues caused by Adrenal Fatigue. This is by no means a comprehensive list of supplements and solutions. Chose a competent and experienced health care professional, have your adrenal gland function tested, develop a customized program that will help resolve this condition, and take control of your health matters.