Follow up to our Q&A Session

Today, I want to thank all of our participants during our special Live Q&A Session on Friday, April 3rd to help our community stay empowered during this pandemic. We want to keep our community informed about these and all health matters. By your overwhelming response, it showed that we’re on the right track.

With so much information these days, it is often hard to know which is accurate and which is not. As an avid researcher, I spend time deciphering the abundant information and determine what is relevant, what sources seem credible and what would make sense based on my experience in health and healing.

I was asked to summarize supplements and suggestions discussed in Friday’s talk.

As I mentioned during the broadcast, this is the regiment I use for myself along with my family:

  • Vitamin C, preferably in buffered form 3gm pre-day or 1gm every 8 hours.
  • Vitamin D3 + K2 5000 IU per day. According to some studies up to 85% of the population is Vitamin D deficient. Check your levels if you can with your doctor with the 25 (OH) D blood test. (Caveat, people with kidney stones or elevated serum calcium should be careful and start with 400 IU/Day)
  • Vitamin A, 1000 mcg/day
  • Magnesium 400 mg daily
  • Zinc 20 mg daily
  • Melatonin, start with 3-5 mg at bedtime and see how your body responds to this
  • A good quality full spectrum pro-biotic can be very beneficial to keep your microbiome and intestines healthy to support your immune system.
  • Natural detoxifying and anti-microbial foods in your diet like Garlic, Ginger and Onions. All are superfoods and we use them extensively in our daily food intake.
  • As well as Elderberry (Sambucus Nigrum) to help with cough and phlegm.

I want to emphasize once more that no virus can defeat a robust immune system. Those with well functioning immune systems appear to shake off this infection with mild symptoms. Unfortunately, as much as half of our population has compromised immune systems due to many contributing factors we have been describing way before this epidemic hit us.

Although the above-mentioned supplements are only a few that were mentioned during our Q&A session, it is important to remember that your general diet and daily exercise routine is of crucial importance to maintain your health.

Keep your diet relatively alkaline with the emphasis on vegetables and an avoidance of sugar and dairy. Keep yourself well hydrated with water or herbal teas, limit or avoid caffeine and alcohol.

In conclusion, we’re inspired by your enthusiastic response and great questions. Keep them coming!

P.S. We are considering having Live Q&A sessions regularly to support our community and even to bring on guest speakers and renowned experts to answer your questions, to inform, educate and to keep you healthy.

Stay tuned, stay connected, there are better times ahead and together we will get there.