A letter from our patient

Wanted to share this letter we received recently in support of breast thermography. In fact, we have received many and all of them are positive and supportive. We got permission to post it on our blog here:

Recent media reports on thermography show differing opinions.  When there are opposite views on an issue, the ethical thing to do is to present open and equal information on both viewpoints.  Linda Venus is presented on the CBC News website as a “breast cancer survivor” – information not given is that she is also a Senior Director of Public Affairs for the Breast Cancer Society and a professional lobbyist for that organization.  Nancy Wadden of the Canadian Association of Radiologists is quoted as saying thermography is “actually useless” – she is neither an expert on thermography, nor an unbiased resource.  Where is the information from experienced experts in thermography, like Alex Mostovoy of the Thermography Clinic in Toronto?

The media has recently reported that a number of private clinics providing procedures such as endoscopy and colonoscopy have been found to giving substandard care.  No one is questioning the validity of the procedures themselves, but rather the competence of the people doing the procedure. Why then is the focus on the validity of thermography rather than identifying the issue as the training and experience of those providing the procedure?

I have had annual thermography for several years.  On each occasion I have been given a detailed written report and a one-on-one discussion to explain the results.  At no time was a diagnosis given; had there been any area of concern I would have been referred for further investigation.  Thermography is a valid, non-invasive procedure which women can use as part of their health care, and I will continue, with complete confidence, to use this.

Judy Horsley