Harmful Antiperspirants, Deodorants and your Breast Health.
Something that you’re probably using on daily basis yet the vast majority of over-the-counter deodorants and antiperspirants are made with harmful ingredients that compromise your body’s ability to function.
Several most common ingredients used in deodorants and antiperspirants:
Aluminum chloride – a well-known irritant that helps reduce perspiration, but also removes color from clothing and degrades fabric. Aluminum has an affinity for the brain and human pineal gland (our spiritual center) and large concentrations of toxic aluminum develop in these body parts. Aluminum has been implicated as the number one cause of Alzheimer disease.
Propylene glycol – According to the safety data sheets of industrial chemical manufacturers, chemicals such as Ethylene Glycol and Propylene Glycol will cause serious health conditions, including liver and heart damage along with damage to the central nervous system if sufficient is absorbed by the body.
Triclosan– is a synthetic antibacterial agent, has been linked to heart disease and heart failure. Tricolsan impairs muscle function and skeletal muscle contractility.
Aluminum zirconium tetrachlorhydrex– GLY – plugs the pores and stains fabric when mixed with sweat (it’s what leaves that yellow tinge on your white shirts). The immediate health risk is that aluminum zirconium blocks toxins from escaping through the armpits, causing them to accumulate in the lymph nodes near the breast.
Parabens – many commercial deodorants also contain parabens and estrogen mimicking chemicals that may also impact breast health. A study published in 2004 (Darbre, in the Journal of Applied Toxicology) detected parabens in breast tumors. Recent research has detected the presence of paraben esters in 99 percent of breast cancer tissues sampled.
The Effects:
If you had to choose antiperspirant over deodorant, the wise choice would be deodorant, as deodorant doesn’t affect your bodily function whereas antiperspirant does.
The underarm lymph nodes are impaired from the use of antiperspirants and many toxic deodorants. Lymph nodes are ducts that help in elimination of toxins. When there is a backup of toxins in the lymphatic system area of the chest, the nearby armpits suffer. The lymph nodes at the armpits become swollen and inflamed.
Have you ever felt a burning, tender soreness in your underarms? Ever developed a large and painful knot or lump (that may last for days) in your underarms? This could be the result of the chemicals in commercial brand underarm deodorants and antiperspirants.
Better Alternatives
If you are experiencing swelling, redness, soreness, an inflammation under the arms (armpits), immediately stop using your deodorant or antiperspirant.
You will need to allow the lymphatic system to cleanse these toxins for a while. To help speed up this process brisk walking for at least 20 minutes or rebounding will be very helpful. There are a number of ways to support lymphatic function that should be part of every woman’s health habits, such as:
Massage that focuses on the upper shoulders, arms, and neck is useful as well. There are massage techniques that focus on lymph drainage.
Dry brushing vigorously on the arms, torso, and legs is also recommended for moving lymph. The brush stroke directions should go from neck and calves to torso.
Botanicals for cleansing lymphatic system include:
- Echinacea root
- Goldenseal root
- Lobelia
- Mulein Leaf
- Chaparral
- Burdock Root
Homeopathic remedies include:
- Phytolacca Decanta
- Scrophularia Nodosa
- Sarsaparilla
- Hepar Sulph
- Silica
Crystal stick deodorants require special mention as well since some contain aluminum. Please make sure “aluminum” or ‘Alum” is not an ingredient in any crystal deodorant you purchase. Always remember to check the ingredients of any product you buy.