hormones Tag https://thermographyclinic.com/blog/latest Mon, 13 May 2024 21:27:01 -0400 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb Balance Your Hormones Naturally https://thermographyclinic.com/blog/entry/balance-your-hormones-naturally https://thermographyclinic.com/blog/entry/balance-your-hormones-naturally There is so much controversy about HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and a lot of confusion.


Well, we decided to interview Dr. Cara Flamer, MD, an expert in bio-identical hormone therapy, to get some answers.


In this interview we discussed different ways to test and balance hormones naturally and when it is appropriate to use bio-identical hormone therapy.  


Please click here to watch the interview.

dr.a.mostovoy@gmail.com (Alexander Mostovoy) Breast Health Tue, 05 Jul 2022 17:09:01 -0400
Busting Cholesterol Myths with Carol Petersen RPh, CNP https://thermographyclinic.com/blog/entry/busting-cholesterol-myths-with-carol-petersen-rph-cnp https://thermographyclinic.com/blog/entry/busting-cholesterol-myths-with-carol-petersen-rph-cnp In our latest interview with Carol Petersen, RPh, CNP a compounding Pharmacist of many years, we busted the myth that cholesterol contributes to increased risk for cardiovascular disease:


·       Find out the importance of cholesterol to your hormone production and balance.

·       Understand the risks of suppressing cholesterol levels with statin drugs.

·       Learn about the most reliable test score when it comes to predicting the risk of heart disease.

·       Discover which key vitamins play a role in proper hormone function.


You don't want to miss this interview where you will take away new knowledge and easy steps to implement toward bettering your health.


 You can watch it HERE: http://www.thermographyclinic.com/videos



dr.a.mostovoy@gmail.com (Alexander Mostovoy) Breast Health Tue, 07 Dec 2021 17:31:34 -0500
Candida and Hormones https://thermographyclinic.com/blog/entry/candida-and-hormones https://thermographyclinic.com/blog/entry/candida-and-hormones Have you ever taken antibiotics, steroids or birth control pills? Or experienced one or two vaginal yeast infections or recurrent thrush?


Do you suffer from bloating, skin rashes, sinus problems, even though you’re doing everything to eat right and live a healthy lifestyle?


Do you feel like sugar controls you?


If you experience any or all of these symptoms, candida overgrowth could be to blame. It could be disrupting your hormonal balance, without you being aware of it.


Hormonal imbalances are linked to yeast infections. High levels of estrogen cause Candida fungi to overgrow. Or is it the opposite? Maybe candida overgrowth disrupts your body's natural balance of progesterone and estrogen. To find out more about this connection I have invited Carol Petersen to shed some light on this subject.

Carol Petersen is an accomplished compounding pharmacist with decades of experience helping patients improve their quality of life through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy 

To watch this interview, click HERE


dr.a.mostovoy@gmail.com (Alexander Mostovoy) Breast Health Tue, 02 Jun 2020 11:07:43 -0400
Bio-Identical Hormones - Interview with Dr. Alvin Pettle https://thermographyclinic.com/blog/entry/bio-identical-hormones-interview-with-dr-alvin-pettle https://thermographyclinic.com/blog/entry/bio-identical-hormones-interview-with-dr-alvin-pettle  

Dr. Alvin Pettle is a vastly experienced physician, having been in practice for more than four decades. His long and successful career in medicine began in 1969 when he graduated from the University of Toronto School of Medicine in Ontario. He later completed fellowships in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 


The Ruth Pettle Wellness Center is named in memory of his mother who passed away from breast cancer. Dr. Pettle actively teaches young doctors to be able to safely use bio-identical hormones. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, also known as bio-identical hormone therapy or natural hormone therapy, is the use of hormones that are identical on a molecular level with endogenous hormones in hormone replacement therapy. With the support of his expert team, Dr. Pettle uses the latest technology and techniques in hormone replacement therapy to tackle the problems associated with ageing and menopause.


To watch this interview, please click HERE

dr.a.mostovoy@gmail.com (Alexander Mostovoy) Breast Health Sun, 15 Mar 2020 10:22:07 -0400
A talk about Hormones with Carol Petersen, Part 2 https://thermographyclinic.com/blog/entry/a-talk-about-hormones-with-carol-petersen-part-2 https://thermographyclinic.com/blog/entry/a-talk-about-hormones-with-carol-petersen-part-2  

By popular demand, we have invited Carol Peterson, BS Pharmacy, to discuss women's hormones and how they change and affect your health. 


For the last 25 years, Carol has been working with Women's International Pharmacy, specializing in compounded bio-identical hormone therapies.


In this short interview, we managed to cover several essential topics, such as: 


  • Is hormonal balance vital to your health? 


  • HRT vs Bio-Identical Hormones, is there a difference?


  • What type of testing choices are available? The advantages and shortcomings of each method.


  • What kind of health conditions or symptoms would indicate a hormonal imbalance?



Don't miss this informative interview; it's filled with valuable information.


To watch this interview, please click HERE



dr.a.mostovoy@gmail.com (Alexander Mostovoy) Breast Health Fri, 31 Jan 2020 11:31:38 -0500
Q & A About Hormones - Interview with Carol Petersen https://thermographyclinic.com/blog/entry/q-a-about-hormones-interview-with-carol-petersen https://thermographyclinic.com/blog/entry/q-a-about-hormones-interview-with-carol-petersen It's all about hormones!

There is so much controversy about hormone therapy and so many conflicting opinions. Issues about safety, natural or synthetic, when to use them, who should use them, what are the benefits, why would you want to use them in the first place?

We decided to go to the expert on this topic by interviewing Carol Petersen – Director at Women's International Pharmacy. All you wanted to know about hormones but did not get a chance to ask, now explained in this interview.

Please watch and share, Click Here

dr.a.mostovoy@gmail.com (Alexander Mostovoy) Breast Health Sun, 01 Dec 2019 09:00:09 -0500
Ten Ways in Ten Days to Prevent Breast Cancer – Day 1 https://thermographyclinic.com/blog/entry/ten-ways-in-ten-days-to-prevent-breast-cancer-day-1 https://thermographyclinic.com/blog/entry/ten-ways-in-ten-days-to-prevent-breast-cancer-day-1  

In his best selling book ‘What your doctor may not tell you about breast cancer’, Dr. John R. Lee gets to the bottom of why women get breast cancer and how to prevent it.  According to Dr. Lee, one of the most important risk factors associated with breast cancer is Estrogen Dominance that seems to affect more and more women these days.


By taking a closer look at this we can see that not all estrogens are created equal; some are cancer protective while others are cancer-permissive. There are three main estrogens in your body: estrone, estradiol and estriol. The ratio in your body should be: Estriol 80%, Estradiol 10% and Estrone 10%. 


As long as they’re in that ratio, everything seems to be working fine. Estriol is a hormone of pregnancy and when women are pregnant, they are protected from breast cancer as well as many other diseases. Estradiol, on the other hand, is a cancer-permissive estrogen and too much of this particular estrogen definitely increases the risk for breast cancer. 


To oppose your estrogen there is another hormone called Progesterone. Estrogen and Progesterone are in a yin and yang relationship. Estrogen says ‘grow’, while progesterone says ‘stop growth’. Most women in the peri-menopausal and menopausal stages of their life appear to be progesterone deficient and thus become estrogen dominant. 


What can you do?  How do you know if you’re estrogen dominant or progesterone deficient? There is no need to guess, test it. 


Make sure that you get the proper hormonal testing done and check your estrogen levels but also check your progesterone levels as well. Your estrogen may even be in a low range but if there is no progesterone in your body, you are still estrogen dominant. There are several ways to check this; blood test (most common), saliva and urine. Saliva and urine tests maybe useful since you can take samples over a period of time and thus giving you additional information as to your hormonal fluctuation during your monthly cycle. Blood tests are somewhat static as they can only provide you with the information for the period of time when the test was done. Once you get tested you can start correcting your hormonal imbalance by regulating your estrogen metabolism or supplementing with progesterone if required. 


Take charge of your health today, be proactive and help others to prevent breast cancer NOW!


dr.a.mostovoy@gmail.com (Alexander Mostovoy) Breast Health Wed, 19 Oct 2016 13:26:31 -0400