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"Just for a moment, imagine living in a world where cancer is no longer the leading cause of mortality.


I’ve been working in the field of breast cancer prevention for the past 15 years. I’d like to share withyou simple yet very important information to empower you with knowledge on how to prevent breast cancer.


Breast cancer, like many other cancers, in the majority of cases, can be prevented.


If you follow the 10-step program outlined in this report, you can drastically reduce your chances of dealing with this disease."




Alexander Mostovoy is a writer, researcher, and public speaker, and is recognized as a leading authority on the application of clinical thermography.


Since 1999, he has pioneered the use of breast thermography in his clinic in Toronto, Canada with a special interest in breast thermography and women’s health.


He is also a Founder and the CEO of Thermography Clinic Inc; a company that helps health professionals around the world integrateclinical thermography into their practices.


Dr. Mostovoy has lectured widely in Europe and North and South America on the many aspects of clinical thermography.


He is actively involved in educating physicians on the benefits of breast thermography as a breast-screening tool.





10 Simple ways to prevent breast cancer


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